Ok so you need a thread lock thumb bob, or how about some bronze bushings?

You say you broke the tip off a perfectly good damascus blade?

Where do you order and is it a good source for you to recommend to fellow members?

Tags: repair, supplies/knife

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Tracks of The Wolf is a good company to buy traditional gun and knife parts or completed stuff. Sorry you'll have to search, I don't have their web address.


You are so right...Sorry I should have mentioned to our folks on here that the Knife repair and Mod group not only has some good resources listed but they are ALWAYS willing to help if you have questions when you are doing a repair or modification.  I have asked several questions of the group myself and the folks in that group are willing to share and give some great advise

Don had a great idea to save all these addresses for the future.

@ Robert .. early on JJ & I both consolidated a bunch of this info over in the Knifeology 101 site .. it just never took off. I consolidated some sources over in the Repair & Mod group .. it is also known to very few.

The organization I mentioned above was performed before some of our current static membership were even members. I'm all for the organization & consolidation of data .. but unless placed prominently & maintained .. I doubt all but the old timers will even be able to find it in a year or so.

Also, I believe Don was being  facetious ........  i.e. "... much like a makers index. we all know how handy that is !! "

Robert Burris said:

Don had a great idea to save all these addresses for the future.

Hello Everyone,

I think a list of quality suppliers is a great idea. It would be a useful source for all who need knife parts, kits, etc. I know it would be a list I would refer to on a regular basis. A lot of the suppliers that have been recommend I am familiar with and there are others I have never heard of.  I will suggested suppliers as I come across and only suppliers that meet my high standards.

I also think  a list of knife stores would be a good idea in addition to knife parts stores.  Two lists not a combined list. If a knife store list is already in place I would like to add some sellers to it.  Maybe it cold be a sub-folder in Knifeology 101. How does a member add a supplier to Knifeology 101?

I'm not a regular or daily participant on this forum, but I do enjoy the time I am online here. Everyone I have met is very friendly and make my time on this forum fun.

Thank you Everyone,


"How does a member add a supplier to Knifeology 101?"



Being that it's not directly tied to iKC, you'd need to actually "join" the Knifeology site.  Then you can add links as you wish.  If you're not in a joining mood, just let me or Dale know what you'd like to have added.


Hello JJ,

I joined. Thanks for your offer to add suppliers for me. It's people like you that make this forum "Awesome"

Do we have a place here on iknife where we can keep a list of suppliers of parts and knives. If we do, I would like to check it out. Also, do we have a tutorial section were we can see someone do repairs or building a knife from scratch?

Thanks again,


That's what iKC is all about, John.

I don't see your info there yet, though it could be a Yahoo thing. There is no one place to be able to archive a list of suppliers, (as well as other useful information) here atNING, that's why Dale and I created Knifeology.

I, personally, cant access videos, but I'm sure that there are some makers, as well as the Knife Repair and Modification Group that can guide you in the right direction.

Exactly .. "That's what iKC is all about" .. ya have a quest .. just ask .. someone here will step up to the plate & offer assistance EVERY time !!!


iKC = good info good people great community !!!!

J.J. Smith III said:

That's what iKC is all about, John.

John .. check out this thread .. and most of us that contributed to that thread are still around .. so if you've questions .. just ask !!!!!

john6553 said:

 Also, do we have a tutorial section were we can see someone do repairs or building a knife from scratch?

Thanks again,


D ale, good to see you back, we can get some good things done with a little help from our friends.
@ Robert ...... THANKS !!!

Robert Burris said:
D ale, good to see you back, we can get some good things done with a little help from our friends.

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