Got a favorite Case story? Maybe why you collect Case knives, or what got you into them to begin with?

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I'll lead us off here-

My story goes back to the mid-1990s. I had just gotten back into collecting as an adult. In selecting what I liked and what I didn't, there was one thing I knew for sure- I was NOT going to collect Case knives.

My story is told here. Enjoy!
Just got my first Case knife. A Mini Trapper. I bought it form a hardware store today because I was too impatient to wait for the Medium Stockman that I ordered the other day on eBay.

I dont have a story yet, but I plan on carrying one of these knives (probably the Mini Trapper) with me everyday. Therein will come memories and tradition hopefully.

I have used the knife a little already and it seems that I am using it more than I would have used a Tactical-Style knife if I was carrying one today.

Also, it had to be sharpened really well before I could use it. Didnt come that sharp. The clip-point blade is also a little hard to get out because the thumbnick is toward the back of the blade and the "lock" or "spring" is a little rough. I am sure the blade will be easy to get out in no time.
I am a big John Wayne fan. One day at bass pro shops they had a John Wayne knife on sale. I had heard good things about case but just never owned one. So I got it. I loved it. Then I started looking at there other knives and bought a bermuda green mini copperlock and was hooked. Now I am always look for the next one.
Growing up, my Grandfather was the only one that always carried a pocket knife, and it was always a Case and it was always sharp. I always admired him and also tried to be like him in as many ways as possible, he has been gone since 1986, but he left a big hole in our life as only one who was born on the 4th of July could.
my dad bought me a case knife a few years ago. i collect knives, but never owned a case till then. i didnt know much about them and i just kept the thing in its case for years. then i joined iKC and met some folks here that have a great appreciation for knives far greater than i had. i spoke with them and started learning more about case and the company. i learned alot and my love for case grew. i now carry that case around with me sometimes. it is a great knife. i have wittled some with it, and it does great! i hope to own more in the future. thanks Scott!

wow great story thanks for sharing!
My father, in about 1980 got a job with amax coal,we were very poor before he landed this job.it was a life changing event,suddeny we had plenty of food,moved into a house,and were able to buy a new car.we thought we were rich.soon after he was hired he was awarded(safety award) a wood handeled case knife,kind of a electricians knife with two blades,hawkbill and electricians blade with a liner lock, and it had a bail.it was the finest knife my brother and i had ever seen.we took turns carrying it,i got half a day he got the other half.we had some great childhood adventures with that knife,fort building,whittling,and tied to the end of a long stick we used it to defend ourselves from a large snake in the barn at my grandpa's house.so as soon as I could afford to buy my own knife I bought a case trapper.I have bought a couple hundred since then(maybe more).I bought a toothpick in stag yesterday and it gives me that same feeling that first one did 30 years ago,thats why I carry case knives.


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