This might be old news to some but I thought it prudent to share with the Collectors Group.
As some of you may know there was a decision made to change the Main blade of the new #89 Melon Tester. This was due to some production issues with fitting the Spear blade, so the decision was made to change the main blade to a Wharncliff.
After reading about the running change to the Main blade I was interested enough to call in and get some actual Totals of the M.T. with the Spear blade - for those that might be interested;
Hey Vince, Thanks for the numbers up date. I have had a lot of interest in the Smooth Goldenrod this week. This color seems to have it's own unique style, not every one is the same.
Thanks for the numbers, Vince. I am fortunate enough to have a melon tester and an executive whittler. On the back of the melon tester main blade is marked 3 P's in a circle, which I read somewhere stands for Pattern Production Premier. I find these patterns so intriguing they have been laying out in the open for a week so I can look at them every day. They have to be my favorite GEC knives so far.