You have all seen the TV shows, YouTube vids, been to knife shows or read in magazines about several characters who have some interesting backgrounds who go about endorsing knives!

Here are some of the notables:

R. Lee Ermey

Yes we call him Gunny and he has served as the spokesman for SOG for some time appearing in some videos.

R. Lee Ermey, Full name  Ronald Lee Ermey is a retired United States Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, Drill Instructor and actor. Wikipedia
Born: March 24, 1944 (age 68), Emporia, KS

Then we have Les Stroud:

Les Stroud (b. October 20, 1961, in Mimico, Ontario[1][2][3]) is a Canadian musician, filmmaker, and survival expert best known as the creator, writer, producer, director, cameraman and host of the television series Survivorman.  Stroud became a full-time wilderness guide, survival instructor and musician based in Huntsville, Ontario. Les works with Camillus Brand knifes.

And the at one time ubiquitous Bear Grylls

Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls (born 7 June 1974) is an English adventurer, writer and television presenter. He is best known for his television series Man vs. Wild, known as Born Survivor in the United Kingdom. In July 2009, Grylls was appointed the youngest ever Chief Scout at the age of 35. Bear endorsed a lines of knives for Gerber.

And a new entrant:

Mykel "Myke" Hawke (born November 29, 1965) is a retired U.S. Army Special Forces officer.[1] He is best known for his role in the Discovery Channel series Man, Woman, Wild, where he co-stars with his wife, Ruth England, a British television presenter and actress. He is the author[2] of several books, most recently Hawke's Green Beret Survival Manual. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from New York University and a Master of Science degree in psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a combat veteran Hawke was an enlisted Green Beret and later commissioned as a captain in special forces. He fought rebels and trained UN peacekeepers in war torn Africa and did combat search and rescue during the drug war in Colombia. Also of note he has earned black belts in Aikido and Judo.

Hawke has teamed up with Tops Knives to create his custom survival knife, the Hawke's Hellion 2020, a machete like tool with a sharpening tool, firesteel, whistle, and survival saw.

Haley Heath knows hunting and all her years of experience have given her an expert perspective on what gear a woman needs in the field. Our famous ERGOHunter handles were modified and re-curved to fit smaller hands and provide a safer grip, while a finger guard at the bottom of the blade was added for increased safety. Buck is pleased to introduce the knife series that Haley trusts to serve her outdoor needs. With a variety of blade steels(S30V,12C27Mod Sandvik and 420HC) there is a choice for every woman.

(As appeared on a back cover ad for Buck Knives...... Knives Illustrated magazine)

So those are the spokesman endorsers! Here is my question. do these people make you want to buy the knives they endorse?

Tags: Bear, Camillus, ERGOHUNTER, Ermey, Gerber, Grylls, Hawke, Lee, Les, Mykel, More…R., SOG, Stroud, TOPS, buck, knives, knivesand, photos

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Miss Jan, that's what I was saying in my post, "look to someone you know already that is  very accomplished in this feild and try see what they are useing". A great choice would be "Rick", with all the info he has given over time on this site, he is a natural for being the expert to look to on the subject of Tops knives.

Interesting so he had no influence on you and likely Rick, he may have come on after your purchase even, who knows how that arrangement worked out. But either way I know you to be a loyal Tops user, regardless of who endorses their product. 

I also wonder if their business picked up after this association and that is why they have been running at full tilt for so long. Of course that would be difficult to say without their input.

RicK said:

 Been a tops user for a while as for hellion 20 20 i bought it because it was tops 1st cutting tool in 5160 spring steel i had no idea who mykel hawke was at the time and some time after this i bought tops power eagle 12 again in 5160 spring steel no endorsement needed tops sell them selfs ,as for how endorsers are involved in the design process , from pat has been told by johnny tsai , he drawns out design on grid paper then it put into CAD then a wooden blank is made then sent to tops for approval and or changes   NUFF said STAY SHARP


Well Dale, thank you,  almost got your response down to fewer words then Clints!

D ale said:

plain & simple


I have never heard of "Mykel Hawke" before. I'm sure if he is well liked and respected, he may swing some business Tops way.

Steve"Hog"Hanner  stated "Well Dale, thank you,  almost got your response down to fewer words then Clints!"


I had posted more, Steve. But in retrospect .. it DID NOT clarify or substantially add to the original response. I'll try to keep this response cogent.  

I require 1 of 2 attributes in the sharp instruments I purchase ....

A). Quality .... material, components, assembly, final product.

B.) Unique .... a functional improving attribute that I have not witnessed elsewhere.

Endorsements by known personalities do NOT guarantee either of the above.

...........................................................   my opinion only  .................................... D ale.

Here is my question......... do these people make you want to buy the knives they endorse?

........................... something to consider .............................

While it does appear that iKC members are voting negatively in response to the above quest .... we are far more discriminating (relative to knife purchases) than the average Joe & I seriously doubt we represent the MAJORITY of sales for the companies choosing to promote their product through paid endorsements. 

From the manufacturer's view ........... I suspect that paid endorsement's do enhance sales to the less discriminating general public ............  i.e. the majority of their market.


In fact the endorsements do help.  I know if I write about a tactical knife I know is being carried by SF, Delta or the Seals and state this fact in one of my articles, knife sales of this knife go up.  There are many armchair commandos.  I have a good friend who had a great career in the Army and won several metals in Vietnam.  He loves Cold Steel knives and swords.  He bought over $3,000 from me alone.  If I wonder about a Cold Steel knife I just call my friend.  Even though he served his country and was wounded several times, he buys commando cutting things and carries a firearm in his recliner chair.  Commando movies and Commando weapons all in one spot.

Tactical knives do sell to those who dream about doing what some of us have done.  I buy knives or other cutting tools because someone here at iKC has recommend them.  The TV survivors are just entertainment.  I always wanted to be paid to hunt Bigfoot like those guys and gal on TV.  Now this would be a good job.......

Interesting you said that Tuna, as we had two reviews on the very knife Bear endorses. One review was positive the other strongly negative. That is the great thing about "Sharper Review" Anybody can do it and the impression the review gives you might influence your purchase or not!

Ron"TUNA"Dumeah said:

I am with Jan. This is not a tool I would have use for either. If I was in the in the market for a tactical  blade, endorsement would have no influence on what I buy. I would more tend to be influenced on what others have own or used. I can say I own a Gerber Survival knife and I do not like it. I actually wish I would have spent the cash on something better. 


OK, we need to work on getting you an endorsement for the show.  Do you want to hunt Bigfoot here in the US or maybe a Yeti?

You bet!  But instead of spending a few hours in the woods at night then head to the motel, we would camp out all night and use those knives we need to test for functionality.  We could save a fortune in motel fees.  Of course we will need a lady in the group as everyone knows, women attract Bigfoot.  LOL!  Do we have any volunteers for our woman bait?


Well, I trust my iKC folks to keep me safe as bait.... ROFL!!


It is good to trust your fellow iKC friends.  Just remember the old woodsman saying.  I don't have to outrun a Bigfoot (Bear) I just have to outrun you.  Me...200 yards and I will have to stand and fight using the old .44 magnum and my Pro-Tech Brend #1 Combat Knife.  I think we would make a good Reality Show....with guest investigators (iKC members) who would sport their own cutlery and tell the audience why.  We can call the show, "Real People Investigating The Real Bigfoot".  What do you think people?  If you were on our show, what cutting device would you sport out in the Bigfoot filled mountains and why?

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