The community of knife collectors want to be able to say "Welcome". So, please let us know you have joined up with us here at iKnifeCollector- the next generation knife collector community

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Your english is fine, plus you are bilingual, whereas I can only speak Southern.
Thanks. We enjoy it here. Lots of good knife folks.
wait and see Scott !wait and see!!!
Howdy from Texas yall. Just getting started here. Looking forward to more.
After you give the place a gander, let me know what you think :)
Hi - I just joined. I am from cape town south africa and am looking forward to sharing and chatting to you guys! Chris
Thanks Eric. iKC is a labor of love....for knife collecting :)
Hey Chris- Very glad to have you here!

Great site Scott!

Finding my way around now. It's going to be a big hit......................................
I just recently joined and am happy that I have found a site that more than covers one of my main hobbies.
I have been collecting knives, mostly folding, for about 30 years now. Maybe I should not call myself a collector but rather a cutlery addict, I do not limit myself to just one brand or type knife. I buy what I like, so I have a group of multi tools, some sheath knives, some old knives, tatical knives, hunting knives, a few, but very few high end knives, and some of those really cheap knives.
I can remember as a kid when we would go out of town to visit family, my father would stop at a paticular hardware store and purchase a amber handled 3 7/8" 3 blade stock pattern by Queen Steel ( a 9a if memory is right). I always thought that they were the most beautiful thing that i had ever seen, and I still occansionally buy a Queen knife.
And when I got old enough to buy my own knives I found the closest Queen dealer and started carrying a model 26a or 16a Queen. When I got older I purchased several queens and kept on until I started to branch out and buy different brands.
So that is where it stands today, I dont always look at the brand, I buy because I find the knife different or unique.
Thanks Rome. Glad you like our community. I do too :)

Like that early memory you shared with us here. I love those old stories.

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