The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
When your wife says “go use this knife”
For those that followed it, I have been trying to get Donnie to use a few knives he thought would be collectibles. Next in line for this is the Tuna Valley Moose. Overall the fit and finish of the knife was quite well done. No gaps or spaces and some fantastic fitting burnt stag.
The daily chores when remodeling a house mean you need your knife for all sorts of endeavors. This knife, although not my typical style, managed a wide variety of tasks. Cut some trim, trimmed crown moldings, opened bags, cut insulation. Just the regular everyday chores.
The Moose was heavier in my pocket than normal carry, a very stout knife. The springs and blades were tight and the edge retention was great. I did have to sharpen it before using but this is something I do with most knives anyway. The half stops are great and the snap is excellent. It fits well in your hand, big enough to get a good grip on and the burnt stag is tailored enough for it to fit just right.
What didn't I like....well not having a different blades. I prefer when I am trimming to have a thinner blade. But I did know it was a Moose when I picked it up, so that cannot be a fault of the knife!
My overall impression of the knife was better than expected. The pattern is not one I would have chosen as an EDC. I did think I would only carry it a couple of days and that would be that. I can honestly say this knife will go on more jobs. It looks nice and handles itself very well in an EDC situation.
Oh wow, thanks Miss Jan thats what I was trying to say. I sometimes [all] have trouble explaining what I'm trying to convey in my post. I would have no problem, useing a Tuna Valley knife, if it was my style of a user. I just wanted new members to the pattern to look before they leaped.LOL I want everyone to have smiling faces, after they buy a high end production knife. I know I would be smiling. I am happy that Ya'll understand.
Thank you so much for that review, Donnie and Jan! I had yet to hear someone carry one and give a review so that was great to see the knife in that perspective. Sounds like it holds it's own.
Robert- totally understand what you mean and no harm was taken with your comment. I would suggest the same thing. The ultimate goal is for the customer to be happy with their purchase.
Ron- seems like Jan approached you to use one of your own to carry... fear the wife might get mad you used one or maybe you didn't know where to find an extra one or a little of both? LOL. Only kidding.
Thank you to all that commented. Again, thank you Donnie for carrying the knife and giving it a try and also for Jan reporting the results! Everyone have a great day.
Good job!
Very cool to read all that was done and how it performed but I'd expect no less from 154 and a solid knife but it was fun to hear about it!
It sure is a looker and it doesn't seem any worse for wear!
I think my problem with buying Rough Riders and few other inexpensive brands is that once I get to using them, they're like a Timex Watch (they keep a licking and keep on ticking) or the Energizer Bunny (they just keep going and going and going). And thus I never really need to upgrade to more expensive knife, at least for EDC.
Thus my more expensive (and admittedly smaller portion of my collection) ends up being dust collectors and I end up wondering if they are actually worth the price. That's the cool thing about reviews like this. My only question, would be how did this knife fair compared to your regular EDC?
Thanks much for the review, Donnie. I wonder if other people who collect Tuna Valley are questioning your sanity for "ruining" a knife by using it as it was intended to be used. LOL
Donnie said the knife compared extremely well. As Craig said the 154 is an amazing steel so really he enjoyed using the knife and it is now living in the EDC rotation. Yep, I have had some folks ask if we were crazy to sharpen and use it. LOL, that was even Donnies original thought when I said use this knife and review it for me. But he is glad he did!!!
Tobias, I would sharpen and use this knife in a heart beat. I have several great knives that I use in this price range. My EDC knives are not the less expensive knives. Life is short, if you want to use a less productive knife, thats fine with me but I think a man that spends hundreds of dollars on a gun or scope or some other type of outdoor gear and wants to use a $25 knife, well....just get out my way at the skinning rack...LOL
tTouché Robert. My point was that my RR and Victorinox knives have proven to be just the ticket for my everyday use. If I needed to spend more on a knife to do what i needed to do, I too would be buying it. So far, I've had excellent results with these knives so have not seen a need to use something more expensive. And frankly I'm not going anywhere without a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife or a well made camp knife.
At the same time, there is not a knife in my collection that I wouldn't grab and use if I thought that's the knife I need. when it was time to dig up some weeds and hack up some small bushed I went straight for my $90 Woodmans Pal.
Why waste time with a $20 machete when you got a beast hanging on your wall? Lets face it, any knife is more fun than use and I'm not buying them because I think their good retirement plan!
I'm pretty sure I could turn your deer carcass in to shredded venison in no time flat with a Woodman's Pal.
You bet Tobias. I've never owned one but my Grand Paw did and I got to use it more than I wanted to.LOL I have a Swiss Army knife that I purchased lately and find it great for the job. I have My Grand girls and their boy friends all packing Rough Riders, so I know they can hold up to good use. I just meant theirs nothing wrong with putting a $150 knife to work. Hey, I like your sheath, did you make it or buy it? I've never seen one before.
The woodman's pal came with a nice ballistic nylon sheath.
I reall liked it but wanted something in Tiger Stripe. So I made one. I decided to add a small pocket in front and then decided, what the heck I just as well add a sheath for a small skinner. So I made a sheath for the skinner and then made the pocket over it. I'm not quite finished with the sheath, yet. I made it with a velcro closure but plan to change it to a zipper type closure. I'm also going to add a few loops on the back for a tie down and couple D-rings
The skinner is a $9 Winchester Upswept Skinner. My Bear & Son will also fit the hidden sheath, however.
And, yes, I kept the original sheath. That leather patch on the front was just too cool.
What a great knife. Absolutely stunning. Those handles are incredible to say the least. The different shapes of the blades is also really cool. I agree with Steve, it would be hard not to put it in one's collection. However, I have to admit it would make a great EDC. Good review Jan. I'll have to put that on the list.
Hey Tobias, you have done a great job up grading the sheath, on that Woodsman Pal. I think, my Grand Paw had a canvas type sheath, years ago. We went through some bad places, useing one of those. I think it's neat when you can up grade the knife or sheath, a little.
Hey that's great. I have a woodsman pal but I don't have a sheath. I bet my wife could make me one.
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