The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
If you collect Case knives you've probably heard that the seahorse whittler is being released from the vault.
This led me to think about knife patterns.
Which pattern do you think is the most over-hyped?
Which pattern would you consider the most under-appreciated?
The most over-hyped for me is the Seahorse Whittler.
As for the most under-appreciated I could think of several but for now I'm going with the Grand-daddy Barlow.
Anyone else have any thoughts?
Under appreciated..for me that would be the cotton sampler
Most over hyped? Thats a tough one for me. Have to think about that
The whittler is such a specialty pattern, people love it or not. Very few in between on that one. If you work wood, you like them. At least that is what I have found
Over hyped, at the risk of being tarred and feathered....The Trapper (standard version). I'll agree that it makes a darn good game knife, but I just can't see two full length blades for EDC.
Under appreciated...anything with 2 blades consisting of a full size main with a smaller secondary.
I'm crawling back under my rock now....
Cotton Sampler! Good call on that one Jan. I love a good cotton sampler.
I'm sorry, I disagree, the Trapper, although not my most favorite, has worked it's way into a great user knife. The knife I think is over hyped and over produced, [ I hope not to lose any friends] is the Stockman pattern. The pattern has been over produced in my opinion. There is so many made by every knife company, in so many options, it's just unreal. There is two knives I think that are under appreciated is, first my favorite, the Moose pattern, next is the large Barlow pattern.
Its OK Robert I will always be your friend, even though you think the stockman is overhyped! I will say though we have seen a few companies show some examples of a large barlow and I have to admit, I like some of the new product that has come out!
Well, as a fixed blade person I would go with most over-hyped right now as the Buck Hoodlum special edition. Nice collector knife but not worth $600.00. Most under appreciated? Any fixed blade in either D2 or S30V steel, there are several. (It's all about the steel.) Oh - and the buffalo butt knife they keep showing on SMKW Live TV, I love that knife but not for $795.00.
Okay, the Moose is what happens when a Trapper has an affair with a muskrat! You wind up with a big on honkin' musktrat with trapper blades! It currently making a resurgence.
The muskrat is right behind the seahorse in my over-hyped choice of knives. I really just don't understand its popularity.
I also feel that many people fail to appreciate the humble simplicity of the spear blade as a main blade on a knife. I think there is a reason why SAKs tend to use it. It is just flat out versatile.
My favorite Moose has a spear point and a clip blade. I think this set up is a true Moose pattern not just a Trapper with the blades separated. Steve, I wouldn't say that the Stockman is over hyped because it's really a useful knife pattern. What I really mean is it's over populated. There are just so many example of it out there and some patterns are hard to find. Data, you mentioned fixed blades and steel. The most under rated in my opinion is a hammer forged carbon steel knife. It's to much real hard work for most makers, that use new tech. machinery to carve out blades, out of the newest fad type steel going at the time. Give the people what they want. What's selling. I think that what ever it is, that's the knife being produced in the largest quantities. My 2.1 cents
Well that is true, seems like every company includes a stockman pattern in their line up of traditional knives. Might be why I do like many choices and no end to collecting happiness. I will run out of money long before I run out of stockman knives to buy!
This one surprised me LOL
Data (C Thomas) said:
Well, as a fixed blade person I would go with most over-hyped right now as the Buck Hoodlum special edition. Nice collector knife but not worth $600.00. Most under appreciated? Any fixed blade in either D2 or S30V steel, there are several. (It's all about the steel.) Oh - and the buffalo butt knife they keep showing on SMKW Live TV, I love that knife but not for $795.00.
I'm not going to bad mouth any specific specific blade but
If it is a fixed blade and
the description begins with the word "Survival" and ends with "Hollow Handle" -- it might be over-hyped.
its made with 420J2 "Tool Steel" -- it might be over-hyped.
if it is titanium coated - it might be over-hyped.
If it's MOLLE compatible -- it might be over-hyped.
If it is a tactical folder
and the description begins with a "Survival" -- it might be over-hyped
if it has a goofy integrated seat-belt cover and glass breaker -- it might be over-hyped
if it is "spring assisted" -- it might be over-hyped
You got that right Tobias. There is so many knives labeled "Survival Knife". Some of those knives, I wouldn't want to get caught in the wild with. A Hollow Handle, what's that about? You don't have pockets? lol I guess everyone has a different idea on what they will need.
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