I'm getting closer to selecting a turn-key e-commerce provider for iKC stuff, including our T-Shirts. If you have followed the iKC T-Shirt discussion you know I want a company to handle all aspects of taking the order (different shirts/sizes, colors, etc), secure online payment, fulfillment and shipping directly to you.

I have narrowed it down to two providers and am testing them now.
Here is where I am- I need ideas and suggestions for artwork and concepts for iKC products. The e-commerce sites already have products for us and we just put our "messages" on them for our members to order. Things like mugs, keychains, golf shirts, sweatshirts, t-shirts, caps, buttons, etc, so if you have an idea for our stuff, let's see it.
Please understand, if you submit an idea, you give it royalty free for use of the idea or image and forfeit any rights to such. 
I'd appreciate your help with this. I see offering many options to give our members lots of choices of messages, wording, pictures, artwork, etc.
I'm hiring a designer to take these ideas/artwork and making them work for our items and depending on the costs of this, might only rollout a limited number of different "messages" to begin with.
Don't worry about having an image if you have an idea, then lets have it. They don't have to be iKC related either. I'll probably add an iKC logo on all items if there is room and it is cost effective, but can see some shirts with general knife collecting messages, like "I'm a knife collector," "Get the point," "Card-carrying member of ECD Club," "Knife is Good," I love my computer cause all my knife friends live it in"  I think you get the idea.
Please let's keep our ideas clean, OK?
If you have questions about what we're looking for here please email me at scott@iknifecollector.com

Tags: ideas, products, t-shirt

Views: 293

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I go with the simple, basic approach...

Slogan: "iKnife Collector, A CUT Above The Rest " Just playing with some words. GK
Here's one for ya..

A knife place, where knife people come to play.

or how bout

Just a bunch of knife guys.
Hi Scott. Have no suggestions right now, but my other job is as a designer and I'm willing to throw a few concepts in if you get any suggestions that need to be developed.


Hi Scott,
I have an idea for a T-shirt. I'm thinking of a design consisting of a group of ethnic knives arranged in a wheel spoke array, all in color of course, with "iKC" in the center as the hub.
That's cool, Kyley
OK. Thanks.
Thank you very much Hylton. I do have a question about the specs they want the image in. I'll private message you later today for your guidance.
I like that.

If you can layout the knives as you are seeing and then take a picture of them, I think we can do the rest.
I like the "come to play" one.

I've always liked the concept of "playing knives" as it relates to our time here at iKC. There's one there for sure.
Thanks, JJ. Got them down now.
Hey Scott,
One thing I'd make sure of is to have the ballcaps with velcro type adjustments in the back and NOT the weird plastic holes & pegs. I've got many caps and those plastic things break and are not good quality no matter the cost of the cap.


iKC: Where the weak are killed and eaten!
(just a joke from an old NJ t-shirt I had)

iKC: The best things in knife are free

iKC: We even let liberals in
(almost kind of another joke sorta)
ps - do we let them in? :)

iKC: Where Scott is King & You are too

iKC: The sharpest place on the web

That's it for now. Just killing time while it snows on us again, and again, and again, etc. etc.


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