I have been thinking for quite some time on how to display my collection. I never had been the one to go the traditional route, seeing that I'm not a traditional kind of guy. I love simple things, old things, and tend to break off of what is usually done. I decided to go simple and vintage, finding old items that told a story in themselves, rather then just shelves for my collection, I tend to have just as much fun finding ways to display my knives then getting the knives themselves. How do you display your collection, traditional or with a personal touch?

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Beautiful. How long did it take you to put such a fine collection together?

Smiling-Knife said:

Great looking displays everyone. I especially like the old cases with the company names and logos. This is a little display case with some Sheffield MOP knives. It's hard to get a good group photo.



Thanks Smiling

I thought that was such an unusual shape, I just had to ask...and those pic's really show the flash of that pearl.

Smiling-Knife said:

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Sue this is the knife you mentioned. It is a somewhat unusual pattern for a penknife with a serpentine handle and the main blade looks like a small lambsfoot.



Finding out that displaying  is part of the fun. My wife is making fun of me because I keep rearranging my knives.

Phil Ladwig said:

My small but growing collection

The Wall-O-Knives continues to be built in the Cutlery Cavern.  Working in my basement with about 7' 6" ceiling;   2X2   supports are being secured to the 2X10 crossbeams holding up my house.  Support beams go all the way to the floor.  I thin using 1X2 lats for shelves.  Everything is being screwed together.   3/4 inch cup holders are being used for hanging knives that have bails.

A thin wire is barely visible in front of the shot glasses.  This prevents the glasses from falling.

I have two more sections to build on this wall.  I also have more shelves to add to the existing sections.  Each section is approximately 29 inches wide 

Estimated overall cost in materials: $25. 

Tools required:

Drill, cordless screwdriver, hand saw, ruler, pencil, level

(Despite the view of the images, all shelves are level!)

Phil Ladwig said:

Finding out that displaying  is part of the fun. My wife is making fun of me because I keep rearranging my knives.

Phil Ladwig said:

My small but growing collectionMy wife in one 'Crafty" gal. Western Cutlery Axe/Knife combos.

Most Excellent, Phil!  Very Impressive.

My brother ( the other knife knut) had a custom entertainment system built- You can watch the game and drool over knives at the same time !!  

Real nice Phil. I need to display more of my knives, it sure is a way of enjoying them, more.

I'm real limited on room so my displays are all of this type that I can hang on the walls

My white bone collection has outgrown this frame. I had to take the mirror off my dresser for more wall room..thats when the light bulb went off. I knocked the mirror out and am working on a display case that will attach to the back of the mirror frame...then I can put the whole thing back on the dresser.

I'm real limited on room so my displays are all of this type that I can hang on the walls

My white bone collection has outgrown this frame. I had to take the mirror off my dresser for more wall room..thats when the light bulb went off. I knocked the mirror out and am working on a display case that will attach to the back of the mirror frame...then I can put the whole thing back on the dresser.

Looking to pick this up tomorrow for a whopping $5! 24 knives will fit nicely in there!

This is a great display and you cannot beat the $

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