Many things are happening in the world of cutlery these days. Some of them are simply fantastic.  Lot's of new collaborations and companies are listening to the collectors and buyers.  The same cannot be said for our legislatures.  The question begs to be asked, are we doing enough to stop this from happening?  Are we, as the collectors of these beautiful objects just sitting back and saying, this will never pass?

Next question, what can I do?

There are several sources for finding that next step


While giving away something you would normally sell, is not a great marketing strategy, it is one way to get the word out and the community behind a cause.  KNIFE WORLD will be releasing a free PDF of the next issue's front page article IVORY BAN MOVES FORWARD

I would love to say I am the type of person that does not ask for much but I seem to remember asking for your help with many issues that face us.  Here I am asking again for your help.  Please, follow this and as the actions we need to take begin to come to light, let's ban together and stop this!!

Tags: ivory, rights

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I will let you know when the PDF is available

I am trying to understand. You want us to give something to the cause instead of selling it? What are we to do, to help?

We are tring to stay on top of this Ivory ban. In order to spread the word, or to get the word out, Knife World is giving away a free issue so that more people will read what is going on. It is unusual for a company that normally sells it's publication is giving this one for free. It's unusual for that to happen. But that's how important this issue really is.
At iKC we are taking a stand against an Ivory ban.

Now stay tuned and as we know more about what we can do to make our voices heard we will post that information,

Thanks Steve. We need to learn more from people in the know. So please keep us informed. I am sure that the IKC membership, will rise to the occasion and back the movement that's trying to correct this problem.

KnifeWorld has published the PDF article.  I have not had an opportunity to read it yet but it is here


We need to organize to fight it, and quickly.

The first step towards this is awareness, and we hope that this article will help. Email it to your friends and customers, post it on your website, post it on public forums -- share it wherever you think it will do some good. Add your own thoughts, comments, and links if you want. Write your own evaluation of the ivory ban, if you prefer. But please, help us spread the word about this serious threat to our freedoms.

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