Well, Bob. Dave, Fred, Tom, Ken and all GEC members.....Its time we moved the dial off of 67  members.  I would love to see 100 members by the end of the year.  I will get with Chris this week and see if there is an email list from the show, that should help.  If each of us can invite just 2 more persons we would be at 77.  That would be a great place to be at the end of this month. I KNOW WE CAN DO IT, several other sites we are all part of have over 100 members,  So bring them on and lay them join the fun,

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This is a great idea and I'm all for it!

I am fortunate in that we have a wonderful little knife shop here owned and operated by Jon Carpenter who relocated from New Hampshire. The problem is, that while this is certainly "knife country", no one here has any knowledge that Great Eastern Cutlery even exists. Jon and I have been trying to change that.

Bob enclosed a really nice little brochure from Great Eastern with the last knife I ordered from him and, thinking that putting out a few of these brochures at the shop might be a good way to get folks interested, I contacted Chris at Great Eastern. She liked the idea and promised to send some of the brochures for placement at the shop. Perhaps she forwarded my request to the "Sales Department", but in any case I never received the brochures and a second request by email went unanswered.

I am doing all I can to promote GEC but so far, besides Jon and myself, only a couple of others have shown an interest. I will certainly mention our internet group here to everyone at the shop, where Jon keeps a table and chairs up front for all of us "regulars" to hang out. We have a lot of fun here and more members is a worthwhile goal.
I'll get some brochures in the mail to you tomorrow Dave.
Bob Andrews
Old Hundred Collectibles
Bob, I really do appreciate your help.
I really try to promote GEC and I do feel that a few brochures at the shop will be of help in getting out the word. I can promise you that every one you send will be put to good use. As soon as they arrive I will return reimbursement to you for postage, etc.
I previously spoke with Jon, at the shop, and he was very receptive to the idea of putting out the brocures, so they will be well recieved.
This is very considerate of you Bob, and very much appreciated.

one of the "regulars" at:
Trapper Jon's Knives
Sierra Vista, AZ

Come talk knives with us.
WOW Dave, I wanna visit that knife shop!!! I hang out and talk knives good :)
Even just getting those couple more interested is the idea. I keep telling Mr. Daniels, just put a knife in their hands, they sell themselves just on quality. Is Jon a member here yet?

Bob, great work on the brochures. I like the idea of sending them out with your knives. Thanks for making sure Dave gets some for the table.
Dave,I can't seem to find your address.You can e-mail my private e-mail at rma100@citlink.net If you don't want to put your address online,send the address of Trapper Jon's Knives,its a public place anyhow.
Bob Andrews
Well, if you EVER get down old Arizona way there is most certainly a place for you at the table up front in Trapper Jon's store. We have a lot of fun there and one never knows what might come through the door in the way of old knives. Of course we are all "experts", "cause we're mostly "old guys", many of us ex-military and/or ex-law enforcement and all of us love knives. And you'd fit right in with us 'cause we're a friendly bunch. The welcome mat is always out so come on over.

Poor Jon. His wife did all the computer work and was good at it, so Jon never bothered to learn it, (sound familiar??). His wife passed away unexpectedly about 14 months ago leaving Jon "computerless". and wanting to learn but easily frustrated with the darn thing, (sound familiar??) He is so busy running the store all by himself, doing the ordering and bookwork on Sundays and Mondays, besides taking care of his two dogs and three cats, to say nothing of all of us "hangers on", that his days are pretty full. When he "retires" he claims he would like to learn the computer and do internet sales, but us "hangers on" at the shop can't bear to let him do that! But I'll keep telling him how much fun we have here and.......well.....you never know.

In the meantime come on over and become a part of the greatest little knife shop in Arizona.
Just get yourself on Interstate 10 and head west from sunny Florida.
We'd love to have you!
Not to worry Dave. I got Trapper Jon's address off of the Internet. Brochures on their way to him tomorrow. Don't worry about postage or anything.Just spread the word on these great knives!
Bob Andrews
Old Hundred Collectibles
Oh, and did I mention that when we get tired of talkin' knives this section of Arizona has an abundance of western history all around us. There are old forts to visit. Ghost towns and of course Tombstone, "the town too tough to die" just 20 minutes away, as well as Bisbee, the old mining town with the Copper Queen mine still in operation. If you're old enough to remember, the price of copper dropped in the 1960's. When that happened the big mine at Bisbee all but shut down and the town dried up. The Hippies of that era moved in and took over the town, and kept it alive with their little shops and art. Now Bisbee is a town of old retired Hippies and a quaint little tourist destination where one will see most anything from flower painted autos to street minstrels. Less than 45 minutes from" Trapper Jon's Knives". Let us know when we can expect y'all..........
Thanks Bob!
Trapper Jon's Knives
175 Fry Blvd.
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
I believe will do the trick.

Jon is on a well deserved vacation back to New Hampshire this week and will be back in the shop on Tuesday, August 24th. Of course we'll all be waiting for the door to open so I'll let him know about the brochures.

Thanks a bunch, from all of us at Trapper Jon's Knives. Come visit us!
"Old Retired Hippies"? Sounds right up my alley Dave!One part of the country I've never been to is the Southwest.I've been all over the Midwest,Colorado and the Deep South[the old Confederacy].Never been North[don't care to]and never been to the West Coast or Southwest. I hope to get to the Southwest when I'm a Old Retired Hippie!.
And we'd love to have you Bob!
Whenever you can make it over we'll make a place for you at the table.


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