The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
2024 has been for my knife collecting not the best year yet! But certainly not the slimest in collecting in the last 24 years. I managed to increase by 20 my collection. I determined this by revisiting my page & looking back at my posted pictures from 2024. Like everyone else I would believe the prices I paid have increased drastically since Covid.I would welcome others opinion on any topic in this post. Some of the ones I wanted to include in my collection were twice as expensive as…
ContinueAdded by Mike Bryant on December 20, 2024 at 14:22 — 9 Comments
Here is the sheath for the Bowie. Maybe someone will recognize the workmanship in the sheath. It is made out for leather with Alligator on the one side. With Re Velvet lining. and Damascus belt catch. Thank you…
ContinueAdded by Chase Richardson on July 26, 2024 at 16:49 — No Comments
Hello Everyone,
My name is Chase Richardson and I am new to this site. The reason I joined IKnifeCollector was to get some information on a couple of custom knives my father left my brother and I when he passed away back in February of this year. Our father was an avid knife enthusiast and Collector. He left us with an amazing collection of knives from some of the world's most talented and well known knife makers. Makers such as, Wayne Clay, Don "Zack" Zaccagnino,…
ContinueAdded by Chase Richardson on July 25, 2024 at 3:26 — 2 Comments
Think back, when you were young. Days seemed like they lasted forever. every day at least a week long and every week at least a month long. endless Summers or so it seemed. Fast forward a few years. Days seem to go by a bit quicker but not to quick. Seems that by the time we reach the late 20's early 30's, its kind of leveled off and there's time for just about everything.
Fast forward a few more years mid 40's, early 50's. Seems time has picked up the pace and the days…
ContinueAdded by Wally Guittard on May 2, 2024 at 17:07 — 2 Comments
I have been a collector of knives since I inherited a WWII K-bar from my grandfather back in the early 70's. Since then, a pocket clip knife has been a daily addition to my attire.
The downside to the clip knife is the wear it puts on your pocket ruining your pants pocket way before the pants themselves are worn out. I finally found a solution,
I purchased a clip knife pocket defender on Etsy. It is applied…
ContinueAdded by Gary Richard on April 11, 2024 at 12:15 — 1 Comment
Still kicking and grinning,
Much has gone on for me in the last couple of yrs. I recently had cataract eye surgery on both eyes. I knew I had cataracts 6 or 7 yrs ago but they were not bad or so I thought. It was pretty much the right eye. I was more concerned with being diganosed with Glacoma and so I worked with that issue. when I moved to AR. it was new Eye Dr and he told me I had cataracts and should consider having them removed. I of course decided at that time…
ContinueAdded by Wally Guittard on April 8, 2024 at 15:04 — 2 Comments
We got snowed in with a dusting of snow and I thought I'd share the tools in a blade smiths shop. Certainly, this isn't every tool and they can vary from shop to shop with what the smith needs to make their style of knife.
The king of the shop is the Anvil. The most common style, and the one most think of when they hear "anvil" is the London Pattern which began in the late 1700's, sometimes those early ones are referred to as a "colonial". By the mid 1800's the London Pattern anvil…
ContinueAdded by James McClendon on January 16, 2024 at 13:08 — 4 Comments
Many years ago when I first got into knife making one of the first books I got mentioned forging crane cable into a blade. I found that fascinated and wanted to try it. At that time there wasn't a lot of information on the subject. Here are some things I learned.
Steel rope, or as I like to call it "crane cable" can be divided into 2 steel families. The first is stainless, these cables are either 200 or 300 grade austenitic stainless. This isn't a grade that is suitable for…
ContinueAdded by James McClendon on June 29, 2023 at 18:39 — 2 Comments
I did not realize how long it had been since I had posted anything here. So its time for a bit of an update. In less than a month I will have a 75th birthday..... I never thought I'd be here this long, although my Dad made it all the way to 91 yrs and still lived on his own. This man did not have a gray hair on his head..Still black. not quite as thick as it once was but still a full head of hair. Me,totaly grey with a ponytail more than halfway down my back. A bit thinner but not…
ContinueAdded by Wally Guittard on April 29, 2023 at 14:44 — 2 Comments
Greetings, Does anyone know how I might nominate George Schrade to the Half Fame? I believe it's long overdue.
I've emailed Blade Magazine but nonresponse.
Added by william schrade on January 9, 2023 at 9:41 — 1 Comment
I see its been a while since I posted here. a lot has happened since then. My XWife passed in June of 2020. a Heart attack that was unexpected. We had a lot of good times together and still remained friends after we split. More recent is the passing of my Son this year, 44 yrs in this world, June 1st. A Heart Attack also. He was in really bad health. He nearly lost a leg do to a major infection caused by a Idiot called a Dr. A 6 month Hospital stay for that. The Dr there was very good and…
ContinueAdded by Wally Guittard on August 26, 2022 at 3:39 — 3 Comments
My 10 year old granddaughter has been into photography for several years now, growing her skills with her dad's "hand-me-down" digital cameras. This last Christmas, she got all rigged out with new tripod, new camera bag, memory cards, and a bunch of other great camera gear. Earlier this summer she was showing me some of her photos...lots of them...and I was actually surprised! I mean I have to like them all....she's my granddaughter. But I was impressed with her eye and her skills of working…
ContinueAdded by Lars Ray on July 24, 2022 at 17:49 — 8 Comments
Case Tony Bose Shot Show Collection from 2009 to 2021
2009 Saddlehorn Burnt White Bone, 2010 Swayback Green Bone, 2011 Back Pocket Antique Brown Smooth Bone, 2012 Sowbelly 3 Blade ebony, 2013 Panama Trapper Ebony, 2014 Tear Drop ebony, 2015 Back Pocket ebony, 2016 Sowbelly single blade ebony, 2017 Tribal Lock ebony,…
ContinueAdded by DONALD CARR on May 18, 2022 at 16:05 — No Comments
Well TOP O' THE WEEKEND to ya! is holding another free shipping weekend, & with a little LUCK O' THE IRISH, apparently the weekend as started early because that coupon code is available NOW!
As usual, the free shipping coupon code is FREESHIP, the website is , & oversized items are…
ContinueAdded by dead_left_knife_guy on March 17, 2022 at 21:13 — 1 Comment
At some point, I answered a question on a Facebook group for Mora users & collectors. While that answer was a bit of a knife review in brief, I have no idea what happened to that reply I made and it's likely forever lost to the annals of Facebook.
The summary, however, is this: the Cold Steel SRK-C ("C" standing for "compact") is a very viable alternative to the Mora Garberg. The SRK-C has a saber grind, similar to the Garberg's, but the grind is higher, giving the SRK-C better…
ContinueAdded by dead_left_knife_guy on March 7, 2022 at 22:18 — 1 Comment
No more mask mandates, so it's nice to actually see folks faces again isn't it?
However, collecting didn't stop and here are a couple of new ones. A Craftsman 95068 Stockman Buck clone and a Camillus Buck clone. I have been looking for a 300 Series look-alike Camillus for years, and though I had seen photos this is the first I've seen that looked exactly like the Buck 300 Series knives made by Camillus up to 1986. The Craftsman looks more like a Schrade knife to me, mainly from it's…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on March 4, 2022 at 18:58 — No Comments
Hey all! This time it's Blade HQ that's offering the free shipping -- and from what I can tell, there's no size limit! (I often pick up a machete during the Blade HQ free shipping sales; I placed a machete in my cart again this time, & again, the shipping was listed as "FREE"!) And as far as I can see, there's no minimum (I had a $12 item in my cart, & the shipping was also listed as "FREE").
The sale starts today, Friday, 2/18/22, & goes through President's Day,…
ContinueAdded by dead_left_knife_guy on February 18, 2022 at 17:26 — 6 Comments
Well well well, here we are yet again with a FREE SHIPPING weekend at! Just use the code FREESHIP at checkout, & remember that certain exceptions apply (mostly the large stuff like machetes & heavy stuff like axes).
And while Atlantic Knife & White Mountain Knives have free shipping all the time, Knife Center has a larger inventory, so I think it's still worthwhile.
While I'm not affiliated with in any way, I will disclose the fact…
ContinueAdded by dead_left_knife_guy on February 4, 2022 at 20:32 — 2 Comments
Added by Andy King on December 31, 2021 at 11:10 — 2 Comments
Here it is again, everybody! Free shipping this weekend at using promo code SANTA at checkout (excludes big stuff) -- sale goes through 12/12/21.
SMKW is still doing their 12 Days of Christmas -- I believe they're going into Day 11 as I write this on December 11. That means daily specials,…
ContinueAdded by dead_left_knife_guy on December 11, 2021 at 0:55 — 3 Comments
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