The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
2024 has been for my knife collecting not the best year yet! But certainly not the slimest in collecting in the last 24 years. I managed to increase by 20 my collection. I determined this by revisiting my page & looking back at my posted pictures from 2024. Like everyone else I would believe the prices I paid have increased drastically since Covid.I would welcome others opinion on any topic in this post. Some of the ones I wanted to include in my collection were twice as expensive as they were when they were originally sold in the early 2000's. Overall with Internet Taxes and Shipping cost rising, I found myself looking at other brands beside the long time brand that drives the hobby. Yes I looked at brands from CHINA. I still managed to add some long sought knives name brands to the collection. But looking ahead! Who knows what 2025 will bring? Higher prices from the Mfg? Higher prices on the Secondary market? Honestly. excluding the quality of the steel. Which to me is not a big issue, because I never sharpen them or use the newer ones. I carry older very used knives. The fit and finish on some brands needs to improve! Will they improve? How will the Hobby insure the quality improves? Can the Hobby stand even higher prices? As we close out this 2024 I look foreward to 2025 and I Wish everyone a VERY MERRY & BLESSED CHRISTMAS.
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Kevin. Well I played the over priced game in 2024, some I thought I needed to round out my collection or I wanted to go for First Production Runs .Yeah I paid too much for the Deer Trax & the Turkey Trax but I had been wanting and searching for them a couple of years. I did go the China way more simply because I liked the pattern and the prices were cheaper than USA brands. Case xx Cutlery was my biggest disapointment the Buffalo Horn blade grind was so bad I returned it to case to be replaced.
Dennis Your a considerate Father. Myself I am not as considerate. I will let my children deal with my assortment when I go to the great knife show in Heaven. They say Heaven will be rejoycing and praising GOD. I am pretty sure their will be beautiful knives their and those I leave here ! Well my wife and children can dispose of them. My wife has told me she is going to rent a dump truck load all my junk in it and take it to the dump. Maybe the kids will stop her! If not well I will be in my eternal home. Happy New Year 2025 to all.
Yes J.J I believe it was. All over the world as we know it things closed down some never reopened as a result of covid. I bought a few 2020's to lay back Maybe in a few years they will be worth a little. After thinbgs started to open back up it appears to this Novice that the few Companies that were still in business raised their prices. Maybe to get the workers back into the factories or maybe to try to recoupe some $$ regardless to me the prices went crazy. I collect mostly the Big 65 patterns or Big knives. I got a lot of mine off the bay and the priices I see and have to bid to get them have almost doubled. Lucky for me I have most of the ones I want. 2023 was a tough year because Case put out so many of the 2 blade 65 pattens luck this year their wer a lot less of them.
Well Kevin, not that I want to brag or anything (but I will :-D ), I did receive knife #7 for Christmas from a really cool friend - a wonderful and classic vintage Ulu-style Herb knife. It is big and fantastic! Already holds pride of place in the kitchen at my Spice station. I'll have to post photos of it this weekend.
Now all I need are fresh herbs to chop and mince and add to Chrismas Lamb!!! Perfect.
Hey Mike,
I understand 2024 being an bit of an odd year for knife collecting. The covid fiasco thing certainly limited activities, which led to many things being done away with permanently. In 2024, I saw several events no longer offered, and the secondary market juuust starting to see the prices start going back down from the exuberance that came from limited social interaction (and offered activities), and full pay.
I personally, refused to play in the over priced playground, but was able to find deals more frequently than in 2023. As a result, I have more projects, and a few more knives in my collection. My wife has been giving me that 'Do you really need another knife look repeatedly. So I have had to be a bit more selective in my purchases.
I did find a few nice reference books that I snatched up. I think as some people are facing the reality of having to continue a real or 'grown-up' way of life, they are ditching what they perceive to be extracurricular in their life. In a few cases I have been able to help them. :D
Lars, I am amazed that you only acquired six knives over the last year. I was certain you would have found at least seven to squirrel away. ;)
I hear you Mike. 2024 was the first year that I actually gifted more knives than I added to the collection! Decided that a knife has to be a really unique/different one for me to add. Reassessing things at this point in my life, decided my daughter is going to be overwhelmed dealing with the knives I already have when the time comes. Merry Christmas.
Mike, you mention covid as a turning point of sorts.
To me, the covid outbreak and subsequent lockdown forced the cancellation of many of the smaller, local, knife shows. Prior to the covid outbreak I could plan on attending the Knife Roadshow in Dalton GA, the Palmetto Cutlery Club show (SC) and the Tarheels show (NC).
I still have happy memories of my first Dalton trip.
My daughter came with me and we stayed for a couple days. The iKC get together was the absolute highlight for us. I still have the old CASE Seahorse whittler with the bent coping blade that I rescued there.
I'm at a point in my life that my knife purchases come farther apart and are in some way made with the intention of being passed along to my daughters at some point.
Merry Christmas to you also.
Thanks Lars for your input . Yes reference materials appear to also be increasing in price. I will add their is a vast amount of information history and photos of different knives in those publications. Along with different Brands many don't even know about Also the old catalogs have some great photos and information. Hanging with others that love the hobby is a very rewarding use of your time. You have turned your attention to your Holy Grail of knives. That is what makes this hobby so rewarding for many of us. Finally finding that long sought after knife be it a 1800 issue or even a newer SFO each one has their own Holy Grail knives they are in search for their collections.I must say I have learned a lot from this group and they have helped me with information when I asked. They are a great bunch of People.
Great perspective Mike, and great discussion. You were able to increase your collection by 20? Wow...I considered myself lucky to grow mine by 6 knives, one sword, and one bayonet. Well done sir!
Quantity notwihstanding, I made the conscious decision early in 2024 to go for quality and true "heart's desire" this year. So much of my collection has been based on what I can afford for quantity sake, this year I went after some long-time Wish List quality items. I obtained a classic Smith & Wesson 6030 Survival Knife, the companion to both my S&W 6010 and 6020 knives in the same series. I was also able to add two 10Th century Slovic pouch knives from Poland, a Polish Military dress dagger, a Czech V52 folding bayonet, and an 1811 French briquet sword. All items listed here have been on my "oh golly, if only I could" wish list - so this year I made it happen.
More than the obtaining the blades though, I have increased my knowledge base on many of my collectible pieces simply by showing interest in everyone else's collections. I have also added richly to my reference library (which we all know can be as much or more expensive than the knife itself!), Hanging out with you, Kevin Drummond, Dead Left, Dennis Hilbar, Andy Larrison, and several others this year has exposed me to knives and brands I had no idea existed - adding to my own knowledge base. While I think I know a lot about this hobby, I am shown time and time again how much I really don't know.
That has been the fun part of collecting this year - learning more than acquiring. Getting the history, the back story, the piece's provenance...these to me are as important as the piece itself. For me, these things add value to the piece and to the collection - even if the the story starts with me on a new item.
I like your questions Mike - Will fit an finish improve? How will the Hobby insure the quality improves? Can the Hobby stand even higher prices? I gues that depends on what we settle for or demand going forward. If one collects vintage or historical pieces, then higher prices are inevitable...even for those considered junk knives thirty years ago.
As with you, I wish to everyone here all the best this Holiday Season has to offer.
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