Blade HQ Has Free Shipping for President's Day Weekend!

Hey all!  This time it's Blade HQ that's offering the free shipping -- and from what I can tell, there's no size limit!  (I often pick up a machete during the Blade HQ free shipping sales; I placed a machete in my cart again this time, & again, the shipping was listed as "FREE"!)  And as far as I can see, there's no minimum (I had a $12 item in my cart, & the shipping was also listed as "FREE").

The sale starts today, Friday, 2/18/22, & goes through President's Day, Monday, 2/21/22:  https://www.bladehq.com/cat--On-Sale--154?utm_source=Website&am...

I have no personal stake in Blade HQ or in letting y'all know about the free shipping promotion (at least nothing beyond trying to encourage them to keep doing these "free shipping" sales / promotions).  I will say that I have had really good customer service experiences at both Blade HQ & Knife Center in the last few months, but I won't assume my experiences are everyone's experiences.

And as usual, both Atlantic Knife & White Mountain Knives always have free shipping, in case what you want isn't at Blade HQ, or you missed Blade HQ's free shipping this weekend.  Regardless of where you might make your purchase, I wish everyone a new knife in the near future!

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Comment by Kevin D on February 28, 2022 at 21:36


I did receive my knives last Thursday, and while I really like both of them, I do think I am going to TRY to make a set of scales for the Vedder.  That is going to be a little bit of a trick because the stock scales are so bloody thin. 

To provide some support for the wood I plan to use, I just got some .024" thick stainless steel to laminate under the wood pieces.  Whenever I manage to get those finished, I will post a couple of photos for you.  :)

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on February 21, 2022 at 23:09

Lars, thanks for getting me to learn a little bit about Sutton Hoo.  As these are Kershaw knives, I doubt they'll be anything so historic save for the testament they provide of my excesses, but I digress.  I was especially intrigued to see how far inland Sutton Hoo's inlet is.  I just might post a photo of the 18" Cold Steel Slant Tip Machete I picked up yesterday -- mostly because I already have one that I've used for some pretty heavy work on our urban lot -- it just chews through elm -- I had no idea how impressed I could be by a machete!

Kevin D -- I got notice of that Squid & completely forgot about it when placing my order!  Hm, I kinda blew through my knife budget but maybe...  Okay, it's in my cart...  And yes, the black blade w/ jade G10 is the one -- though apparently there's also a larger version of the squid with a 3" blade (but not in jade G10)...!

Also, I count the Vedder as part of my Kershaw collection as well -- it is heavy, but it's definitely worth it, much like the knife's namesake, Eddie Vedder.  (This little piece of information was nowhere in the literature or on the website, but it was quickly confirmed with an email directly to the company.)  I was a big Seattle scene / grunge fan back in the late 80's / early 90's, so this adds to the knife for me personally.  It really struck me the other day the number of guys (& girls) from that music scene that are already dead -- but again, I digress.

Anyway, if you decide to give that Vedder new scales, definitely post photos!  I love the idea -- it would really add some depth to it, & that knife can carry it off.  It's an awesome idea!

Comment by Lars Ray on February 21, 2022 at 11:17

LoL! A small hoard? Who are you trying to kid DLKG? That's like saying a few coins were found at Sutton Hoo. That is an impressively sized Kershaw collection you have. :-D

Can't wait to see the latest finds from both you guys - I love Show & Tell days here!

Comment by Kevin D on February 20, 2022 at 20:48

I have the Kershaw Vedder (spring assist open) and the CRKT Burnley Squid coming.

The Kershaw - is discontinued and on sale, and I like the blade profile.  I might see if I can do something to swap out the scales with wood.  We will just have to see after I get it in hand.

The CRKT - Those translucent jade scales just called to me.  I had to get it.  I had the choice of the silver or black blade, and went with the black for a more dramatic contrast.  And it was on sale to boot!  :)

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on February 20, 2022 at 20:38

Kevin D, glad this helped you out!  I actually picked up their large knife roll (holds something like 40 knives & hangs over a door), but it was only $23 on sale so I figured now was the time.  I'm still tempted to pick up another Cold Steel Slant Tip Machete (18"), but I guess I have a few hours yet to make that one last purchase...

I hope that Kershaw & that CRKT work out -- which models?  I was really into CRKT about 10 years ago, in large part because they just had really nice print catalogs.  Kershaw, on the other hand, just has a ton of models every year, many of which are really affordable...  As noted elsewhere here, I have a small hoard of Kershaws (eep). 

But my focus shifted hard when I heard Cold Steel had been purchased by GSM (December 2020), & I wanted to snatch up some Cold Steel knives that had been produced before the sale.  Apparently GSM has now acquired SOG (sometime in December 2021), so I think I might need to pick up another SOG or two as well...

Comment by Kevin D on February 19, 2022 at 21:50

I put in an order this weekend.  This was the second time I ordered from Blade HQ.  The first time, things went very smoothly, with no hiccups.  Looking forward to getting this order.  :) 

Got a discontinued Kershaw and a nice little CRKT.

Thank you for making sure everyone knows about the free shipping weekend DLKG!

White River Knives

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