All Blog Posts Tagged 'Knife' (31)

Knife Shark

hey guys

just wanted to say thanks to all 8 subscribers of my channel ellis, Jay, wavster 64, the knife beater (The guy who got me started!) thanks for being there I'll be mentioning you guys on my channel with each new video! and to all my Friends at i knife collector, its good to know we all share the same passion! if you ever want to see some kershaw brand new old stock…


Added by Knife Shark on March 10, 2018 at 15:00 — 2 Comments

New 2017

Functional Jewelry

Added by steve @ colonial knife on September 23, 2016 at 19:00 — No Comments

National Knife Day 2016

Happy Happy Happy National Knife Day !!!!!!!!!

Knife Day is the day to appreciate the knives that folk use on a daily basis. This day is a celebration of this marvelous tool that has been with humans since the dawn of time. 

I am not sure that most folks know about today...but we sure do.  So…


Added by Jan Carter on August 24, 2016 at 6:59 — 27 Comments

Knife throwing, anyone? Anyone?

Are there any other knife throwers here? If so, anyone recognize the logo on the cup? :)

I notice there's not a group for throwers, hm...

Added by dead_left_knife_guy on October 27, 2015 at 21:00 — 3 Comments

Open Views – Part 2 of 2: Survival Knives

Part 2 of this blog is dealing with Survival knives, both as an item and a legit category for collecting.

The bone of contention that was vocalized some time ago is that there is no such thing as a tactical knife or a survival knife – rather, these terms are marketing terms to sell more knives. (Tactical knives are discussed in Part 1).

While I have a different opinion on the matter, I can’t throw out the whole argument because some of it is true – many companies and makers do…


Added by Lars Ray on March 7, 2015 at 15:53 — 13 Comments

A review of my new Glock – Knife!

A review of my new Glock – Knife!

By Data - with special credit to All Outdoor and MaskirovkiNET

I was a little surprised when I casually asked in the chat room here if anyone had ever tried a Glock knife.  The general response was “Glock makes a knife?”  I have always known about the Glock knives but had never been curious enough to try…


Added by Ms Data on September 21, 2014 at 17:27 — 9 Comments

A Pakistan suppliers point of view...didn't see that coming did you?

I was recently contacted by a supplier of Pakistan knives and steel.  Now, Now...give this discussion a chance.

This supplier has been on iKC for a number of years.  When he first contacted me it was with the hope that I would listen and have an open minded discussion with him.  Because he is a member and has been very respectful not to overstep here at iKC with selling openly.  I chose to listen.  This was how the discussion started

The issue is that I want to…


Added by Jan Carter on July 19, 2014 at 16:19 — 52 Comments

iKC and the NKCA bringing goodwill to a local Charity

Yesterday iKC and the NKCA helped a local home for challenged folks.  The Angelus is an amazing community and Lisa and I were proud to be invited to join in the excitement of yesterdays first Pasco Musical festival.  While Lisa was in Arkansas at a knifemakers show talking up the NKCA and us, we were the concert talking up the same and the benefits of having a community like The Angelus in Tampa Bay!

It was amazing…


Added by Jan Carter on February 23, 2014 at 10:30 — 8 Comments

Most Used Knives

What are your most used knives? Past and Present. Before I started to accumulate a bunch of knives, I carried one knife every day, the same one. Now with so many choices, I usually have a different EDC each day. And then I have knives I have used for specific…


Added by Ken Spielvogel on February 9, 2014 at 13:30 — 9 Comments

Colonial Knife, the factory remains..2010.

This is the brick two story building that the men used for years to make skeletons for high end gentlemen's jewelry knives...The front door entrance bottom right still has grandpa's match scratches lighting his cigars before entering in the mornings!!!!…


Added by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014 at 13:03 — 2 Comments

Colonial Knife company exterior factory..2010..

Well after Colonial's closing in 1998, the majority of the factory still stands. Even with local "Thugs" burning and trashing certain area's,  the factory still remains an eyesore and is terribly sad to see....

I have several shots of the exterior building that I'd like to share with all....these pictures were taken in the beginning stages of writing my…


Added by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014 at 12:54 — 4 Comments

My thoughts on Knife Collecting

How I got started:An 8 year old boys brother who was 10 years older than he, gave a very special gift once. The brother came home from the Navy in 1956 on leave and brought his younger brother a 4 blade Imperial knife. The boy was so excited he cut himself with it that very day. His Mother took it away for awhile, and in about a year gave it back. The boy carried it proudly and loved that knife. One day in the 5th grade the teacher had the students do handstands, while the boy was attempting…


Added by Ken Spielvogel on August 8, 2013 at 13:30 — 12 Comments

You can tell it's gonna be a good day...

...when you open your mailbox to find two of those familiar shaped boxes that usually contain -


Yippee Skipee!!!…


Added by Ron Cooper on May 15, 2013 at 15:00 — 17 Comments

Memorial Day, A rich tradition continues in 2012

Memorial Day is a US Federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It was called Decoration Day, after the American Civil War, to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. Southern womens organizations and southern schoolchildren decorated Confederate graves during the Civil War, but each region had its date mostly in May.

For those iKC members who do not live in the US, this day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. It is a day of…


Added by Steve Hanner on May 25, 2012 at 14:38 — 2 Comments

bait and switch

I find my  choices in knives change weekly. One week I'm all about you get what you pay for,the next week I make a new buy and say I  could have got 4 of these for what I paid for that.

The knife world is changing and its tough to keep up. I guess that's what keeps us moving on.

If this happens to you let me know so I know I'm not out of focus.

Added by John McDowell on May 22, 2012 at 0:30 — 4 Comments

Adding Events: Knife and Gun Shows Worldwide

On iKC we have an often used Feature called Events. Our  hobby to a certain extent, in times both past and present depended on knife shows and events for companies and individuals to showcase the knives that were being produced for consumers. They served as a buying and selling event for sure. Now they also are a way for like minded iKC collectors to meet each other in person and talk about the hobby they love.

Think about it, every year certain Shows are can't miss, blockbuster type…


Added by Steve Hanner on February 24, 2012 at 12:28 — No Comments

A Look at your iKC blades in process HERE

This has become quite the project.  If you have received a message from me .....PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU, provide me the missing info as quickly as possible.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE



Now for the fun part…


Added by Jan Carter on January 4, 2012 at 20:00 — 8 Comments

Fixing to make a trip

Next weekend the wife and I are going hunting. The first stop is going to be the A.G. Russell store in Rogers Ark. From there we are heading to Branson Missouri. Then to Lebanon Missouri. We will also stop at any antique stores along the way. 

A whole weekend of knife hunting. I'm ready to go.

Added by Lee Smith on November 20, 2011 at 7:00 — 3 Comments

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