You can tell it's gonna be a good day...

...when you open your mailbox to find two of those familiar shaped boxes that usually contain -


Yippee Skipee!!!

Look what my mail carrier just left for me...

As you can see there is a 2 Dot (one on either side of the model #) Buck 110 with some really sweet looking scales, and in exceptional condition for a knife that was made between 1974 & 1980.

And then there is a knife that I have been in pursuit of for quite some time -- The Weidmannsheil Copperlock, Tricklock, with some gorgeous stag handles. I had one of these in my hands about a year and a half ago and let it slip right through my fingers. It was at the Southern California Blades Annual Show in Pasadena back in 2012 and I thought that I would return to get it later in the day and it was gone! I have been on the prowl for this knife ever since. I lucked out and got this one, New In Box, in a recent Ebay auction, as I also did with the Buck 110. 

I am extremely pleased with both of these knives! And to have them both arrive at the same time, on the same day, is an especially sweet bonus and a clear-cut signal that this is gonna be a great day! 

Color me HAPPY!!!

Views: 523

Tags: Buck-110, Knife, Knives, Vintage, Weidmannsheil-Copperlock-Tricklock

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Comment by Brad T. on May 19, 2013 at 11:06
Ron, I should have known better than to pose that question on this site. LOL
Crazy thing is, if I can swing getting both and shipping a box to Brazil, I will. Is there a support group for us? KAA? Knife Addicts Anonymous?
Comment by Ron Cooper on May 18, 2013 at 13:03

Brad, The solution is simple: Get both!

Comment by Brad T. on May 18, 2013 at 11:17


That Rosewood 110 has me eyeballing another on ebay. But, the grain on it is not as nice as your. Should I get it, or a Mint in Box Schrade 14OT?  Contemplation is a beast!!!!  They both are very nice and my collecting habits are starting to narrow themselves down to 2 makers.

Comment by Ron Cooper on May 17, 2013 at 5:03

Thanks, Chuck! I appreciate your comment.

I just can't stand to see tarnished brass when I know how pretty it is when it's all shined up. The bolsters on this ol' Buck look like mirrors, now, which made them kind of difficult to photograph because they're reflecting everything!

Cheers, my friend!

Comment by Chuck Parham on May 17, 2013 at 4:52

Ron you did an excellent job in putting the zing back into that Buck 110. I agree with you and the school of thought to leave collectables alone and let the age show. But I do own some older knives that I will indeed clean up to restore their original brilliance and lustre. These are highly prized collectables. These are just older knives that I want to look good. I want knives to shine and sparkle when I'm trying to get someone interested in collecting knives. Shiny metal and sparkling bone have greater appeal than tarnish and patina to the uneducated observer. Once you have them hooked you then have a more teachable student. Thanks for sharing your work with us!!

Comment by Ron Cooper on May 17, 2013 at 4:31

I finally had the opportunity to take some more photos of the Buck 110 that arrived with the Tricklock a couple of days ago. Actually, I had taken some pictures and then I cleaned it up and took some more. I will be posting some before and after shots now.

I know that no REAL collector would ever clean a vintage knife; choosing instead to leave the knife's patina in tact. Factually, I am not a real collector however. I consider myself to be merely an accumulator. And I like to recapture a knife's original shine and luster if at all possible. On this particular knife all that was required was a jewelers polishing cloth and a couple drops of oil on the pivot. In hand it is absolutely beautiful. Under a 10X loupe it appears to have the original factory edge and the blade is free of any scratches or evidence of being used.

Here are the pictures...









As I mentioned above, I think this knife looks really nice now that it's all shined up and looking like new. I would be interested in hearing some opinions on how others feel about cleaning old knives versus leaving that patina on them. Hopefully my query will not ignite a firestorm of controversy. That's not my intention. I already know that for the purpose of retaining value on those old knives it's a big no-no to clean them. So let's just stipulate to that particular aspect. I just want to hear your own personal sentiments as they pertain to you and the knives you collect. Do you clean or do you leave 'em alone?

Comment by Ron Cooper on May 16, 2013 at 13:15

Brad, they call it a Tricklock because the master blade locks and can only be released by depressing the spine of the pen blade.

Comment by Max McGruder on May 16, 2013 at 8:48

Those pics came out Great! That is a beautiful knife! Very nice addition to your collection!

Comment by Brad T. on May 16, 2013 at 8:29

Excuse my naivety, but what is the "Tricklock"?

Comment by Ron Cooper on May 16, 2013 at 4:46

Here are some pics of the Tricklock that I posted in "My Knives." They were taken late yesterday afternoon as the sun was setting...

White River Knives

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