All Blog Posts Tagged 'iKC' (15)

In Memoriam
Microtech ultratech Auto OTF

Lots of ideas and opinions in this arena, the OTF auto knife nich of the market. I really like the ultratech the feel in your hand and pocket, it carries well. The construction is solid, the action is fast and locks up hard. These are hard use knives designed for battle and self defense.

The ultratech is just one model offered by Microtech knives which are made in the USA , they pride theirselves in the use of the best materials possible. Located in Bradford PA. They are building a new… Continue

Added by Terry Ray on July 3, 2015 at 19:52 — 3 Comments

The Cutting Edge: Collecting Inexpensive Knives

Spend any time on the internet whatsoever looking up knife stuff, and you’re bound to hit a few dozen discussions regarding “cheap” knives. In this context, cheap is referring to poor quality in materials, construction, performance, or any combination thereof. Today, cheap knives are almost synonymous with anything made in China, Pakistan, or other parts of Asia.

This is unfortunate, because many inexpensive knives come from these same regions, and they are anything but cheap. Even…


Added by Lars Ray on March 15, 2015 at 14:56 — 10 Comments

In Memoriam
Who made who?

That knife you just aquired has a tang stamp that ID 's the maker. Most of us are familier with 95 percent of the manufactuers, but what about new collectors or a stamp that we just havent looked at before?

where do you go to ID a knife ? what is you personal choice of reference? 

This may help new and old collectors alike.

Added by Terry Ray on February 8, 2014 at 8:44 — 1 Comment

In Memoriam
Garage Sale, Estate Sale, Yard Sale knife finds

Lets see the pictures and tell us what kind of knives you have found at Yard sales, Estate sales, Rummage sales

etc... I run across many deals some really great knife finds , some just fun silly finds.

Added by Terry Ray on January 30, 2014 at 0:42 — 14 Comments

In Memoriam
Challenge is Expose someone to Knife Collecting and to iKC

I am and have been involved with a lot of knife clubs, not one of them has brought the pleasure and fun that iKC has

the clubs always end up the  same, fewer people show, except to get the club knife. Lots of disagreements

arguments, etc,,, Hard feelings over chosen or not chosen ideas. iKC is a fresh exciting idea cultivated by a group in a knife club that just happens to be online. The perspective here is open, friendly and never dull!

So, i try to expose all my…


Added by Terry Ray on January 26, 2014 at 9:31 — 6 Comments

Founders Day - iKnife Collector Turns 3 years old Today!

It's a great day today and a very Happy Birthday to iKC ! Yes, just 3 years ago, iKnife Collector became a reality. From our earnest start it was destined to become a quality, friendly knife collecting community with the idea all members are bound together through their passion for knives.

Our founder was none other than, writer and publisher of the Cutlery Journal Scott King, who worked tirelessly in the early day to launch iKnife Collector. This was his vision, that all knife…


Added by Steve Hanner on April 14, 2012 at 7:00 — 6 Comments

Are you ready for your 2011 iKC knife?

Well this has been a fascinating journey. Thank you who have joined us on this journey.   I hope you are all as excited as I am to be coming down to the wire on this wonderful knife.  For those of you still receiving emails asking for the final pieces of information...Please RESPOND and thank you for those that have so graciously already given me their information. By the way, anyone looking to pick one up let me know, we may have 1 or 2 up for grabs.


As this week moves…


Added by Jan Carter on January 15, 2012 at 18:26 — 43 Comments

A Look at your iKC blades in process HERE

This has become quite the project.  If you have received a message from me .....PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU, provide me the missing info as quickly as possible.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE



Now for the fun part…


Added by Jan Carter on January 4, 2012 at 20:00 — 8 Comments

iKC 2011 Community Knife

I am so very pleased to announce a selection for the 2011 iKnife Collector knife. Our selection is:

From GEC,  a Tidioute w/ lanyard hole, Item Number 722111. The blade is 1095 steel and is a Spear blade. The knife will have Indian Choffee handles. The knife will also have a round shield that will say iKC. Along with the knife GEC will provide a Certificate of Authenticity(COA) and will say 2011. We expect a delivery date somewhere toward the end of January to the end of February. The…


Added by Steve Hanner on November 10, 2011 at 19:23 — No Comments

iKC 2011-2012 Communtiy Knife

We are interested to hear from the iKC membership about the possibility of offering a knife for 2012. I don't have much information just yet but want to hear from who might be interested if we were to pursue this offering.

I can say that any knife offered will have to be "prepaid" and ordered in advance after payment is made. So let me know what… Continue

Added by Steve Hanner on October 27, 2011 at 9:00 — No Comments

In Memoriam
The Community at iKnifeCollector Factoids

There is nothing like iKC anywhere on the web.

When I first was introduced to this community format/technology back early last year there was no doubt in my mind it would make provide for (cause "WE" are the community)- the next generation knife collector community. I'm also going to guess it will remain the most cutting-edge technology until the real geeks of the world make it so we can show our knives to each other in 3-D or High Def, or until we can use… Continue

Added by Scott King on January 24, 2010 at 22:00 — 6 Comments

In Memoriam
Follow iKnifeCollector on Twitter

iKnifeCollector is now tweeting. Yes, iKC members and interested followers can now receive updates, announcements and community tidbits easily and remotely.

I'm always looking for better ways to communicate and keep folks up to speed on the goings-on here and have decided Twitter is the answer.

What is Twitter? In a nut-shell, it's a mobile web-based network designed for instant- short messaging.

Why am I using another tool when iKC is the… Continue

Added by Scott King on January 20, 2010 at 16:00 — No Comments

In Memoriam
Helping spread the word- iKC Handout

Jeff Saylor's self-initiative of passing our iKC invitation flyers at a recent show provides us all an excellent example of how real our virtual community actually is!

There are tens of thousands of knife enthusiasts who may be interested in connecting in a very real way here at iKC. So, I ask you print a few dozen of the new iKC Handout and take them with you wherever you go- knife shows, club meetings, knife factory open houses, hardware & knife stores...in… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 17, 2009 at 12:00 — 12 Comments

In Memoriam
Online Knife Collectors Beware

At the risk of alarming folks, I learned today the current administration (the White House) has put out a request for bids (RFP) for contractors to collect/capture/harvest and create a permanent record of comments made on social networking sites. While the network host of iKnifeCollector is not specifically named, many others are: FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube, in addition to others.

As reported by… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 2, 2009 at 15:30 — 3 Comments

In Memoriam
Thanks iKC Members!

I promise not to get sentimental in this post, so don't worry.....just hang with me though, OK?

We started gathering knife collectors now- what about 4 months ago? Now when I step back and just look at how far our community has come- I am amazed.

Like you, I have to work hard to keep ends meeting. Well, as part of my real job is traveling. That's the bad part (I really don't like to be away from my family), but the good part is what I was able to do today- and that is-… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 22, 2009 at 17:30 — 2 Comments

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