There is nothing like iKC anywhere on the web.
When I first was introduced to this community format/technology back early last year there was no doubt in my mind it would
make provide for (
cause "WE" are the community)- the next generation knife collector community.
I'm also going to guess it will remain the most cutting-edge technology until the real geeks of the world make it so we can show our knives to each other in 3-D or High Def, or until we can use all of our 5 senses to complement our web experience.
I sincerely appreciate your participation here. iKC is alive; It is dynamic. It is 24/7.
Almost daily I have members telling me how much they like our community and what it offers our hobby. Comments like this truly make my day. Thank you for helping me make our community what it is today.
For the curious, here are a few
iKC factoids.
Date Created: Apr. 14, 2009
First Members (April 16, 2009):
Derek Smith
Gary Kennedy
Chris Hyde
Ken Mundhenk
Roger Cunningham
Lisa Sebenick
Number of members as of 9:20 PM Sunday, January 24, 2010: 1760
Members joined last week: 56
Fastest Growing Month: December 2009- (452 members)
Second Fastest Growing Month-
January 2010- (412 members to date)
Total number of Visits yesterday- Saturday, January 23, 2010 (last full day)-
Number of Unique Visitors yesterday- Saturday, January 23, 2010 (last full day)-
Total number of Pageviews yesterday- Saturday, January 23, 2010 (last full day)-
Most Popular Community Areas:
Member Profiles; Photos; Groups, Forums
Average time spend for each visit in the community: 11 minutes
Traffic Sources: 44% Direct traffic; 43% referred; 11% search engines (since day one)
Average Age: 45 years young
Visitor/Member - Top 20 World Regions:
1. United States
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. Australia
5. New Zealand
6. Finland
7. Netherlands
8. Germany
9. South Africa
10. Sweden
11. (not set)
12. Puerto Rico
13. Brazil
14. Poland
15. France
16. Norway
17. Slovakia
18. Belgium
19. Italy
20. Mexico
66% of members not a member of a "traditional" knife club/Association
44% of members subscribe to offline traditional print mags/pubs
Number of iKC Groups: 67
Come April when we celebrate our first year, I'll update the stats then, but as I was geeking around, I couldn't help but find these stats significant and thought you would too.
Thanks again for making iKC a knife place to call home!
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