I cant' stand it. I must be allergic, cause I've got the itch- really bad.

It's like walking through Kudzu here at iKC. Well, the truth is it's not the kudzu that makes me itch- it's the Chiggers (red bugs) living in Kudzu and they eat me alive. They make me itch like crazy. Well, it's not iKC that makes me itch either- it's the knives on display here.

What's the point about the itch? It is the wants. I get a bad case of wants every time see the fancy folders, art knives and even custom tacticals.

Try as you might, you can't keep from getting it. For me, my itch gets worse every time I either greet our new members or look through the ever-growing Photo Gallery. It's like walking through Kudzu.

"What's the big deal, Scott? you say, "We all get to itching when we see the killer knives here too." What's the big deal- well, I'm an old knife collector, that's the big deal. My genre is antique knives, not high-tech, fancy, colorful knives with exotic handles- even stag does it too.

If you haven't taken a stroll around- do it. Feast your eyes. Our knifemakers here produce some fine blades. You'll also find purveyors with some of the most sought-after makers in the Knife World.

In case you are wondering why I am writing about this today, well, I just spend the last little bit welcoming new iKC members- which I love to do- and looking at their knives got me itching.... again.

Views: 30

Tags: custom, gallery, itch, knifemakers, photo, pureyors, wants

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Comment by Peter DeChant on February 2, 2010 at 13:07
New to the groups and so far lovin it! I just need to find the gallery and I know my day will be made!!
Comment by J.J. Smith III on February 2, 2010 at 9:31
Every time I take a stroll through the gallery, I have to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.
So many great knives of ALL configurations.

White River Knives

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