Scott King's Blog (100)

So just how healthy is the vintage knife market right now?

Since I began seriously collecting old knives, I repeatedly heard folks say the buying market for old knives would eventually die out, especially since the younger knife enthusiasts prefer the more modern knives to collect and carry. This speculation always caused concern, not simply because I had a fortune tied up in old knives, but because the older knives are our windows to the past, a glimpse into the life and times of early American cutlery history. And while not everyone is a history…


Added by Scott King on November 18, 2013 at 10:30 — 17 Comments

Greater Cincinnati NKCA Show Cancelled

Message from Bruce and Debbie Voyles-

Dear Friends;

With much reluctance we must announce the cancellation of the Greater Cincinnati Knife Show announced for April 20, 21, 22, 2012. We are looking at dates to reschedule in 2013.

There are several reasons we have been forced to make this decision, among them a snafu within the hotel reservation system. In 2009 the NKCA held a show at the Drawbridge, and had future dates reserved several years out, as is standard… Continue

Added by Scott King on March 29, 2012 at 13:12 — 3 Comments

It is so good to have friends who got your back!

Wow! That's about how I sum it up. What am I talking about? Well, the last two weeks.


Actually it is a blur now as I try to recount what's gone on. The thing that stands out in my mind are the storms. The horrible storms we've had pass through our parts down here in Alabama. I can't say life is returning to normal because so many people have lost their life, or had it totally tragically displaced. If you haven't seen this monster storm-check this…


Added by Scott King on May 3, 2011 at 18:00 — No Comments

Knife Shows & Events of interest to iKC Members

I'll never forget my first Knife Show. I didn't know a soul there, only knew I liked knives and the hobby of collecting them.


After living in the iKC Community, I've learned most members have yet to attend one- for whatever reasons, but we who attend shows know if these members went they'd experience even more fun with our hobby, plus they'd meet folks as…


Added by Scott King on April 4, 2011 at 20:44 — No Comments

Introducing iKC's Member Spotlight hosted by Luca Vignelli

iKnifeCollector stands out prominently among all web-based knife sites.

From our community's early days it was apparent iKC was unique- unlike anything online knife related. It was noticeably more personal and to some, because all they knew was the posting board knife forum format, iKC was too personal. Those members elected not to become a part of our community at…


Added by Scott King on March 9, 2011 at 23:00 — 4 Comments

iKC Name Game #2

Recently we started the iKC Name Game to see who can be the first to identify the person I have selected and added to our community.


The Name Game is all about knife personalities and historical cutlery characters.


To play the game you must first- find the picture of the individual and then you must come back to this blog and put their name. The first to correctly ID this person wins! It's that simple.


Don't cheat :) You either know it or you…


Added by Scott King on March 6, 2011 at 20:00 — 17 Comments

To all iKC and NKCA Members- My decision to serve on the NKCA Board of Directors

Today I was approached to fulfill a vacancy on the board of directors for the National Knife Collectors Association for the balance of the term which runs through the end of 2011.  I agreed to allow my name to be submitted to other board members for confirmation.


I agreed to be considered for the NKCA board for several reasons:

  • I care about our hobby and about the NKCA.
  • I have a passion to help spread the word about how much fun our hobby is. In the…

Added by Scott King on March 1, 2011 at 21:00 — 27 Comments

Introducing the iKC NAME GAME: - Knife Industry & Cutlery Company Characters

Gonna have a little fun- and if anyone here gets PO'd at me, well, I'm sorry. But this will be fun and keep you on your toes.


Starting today, I'm starting a series called The Name Game. Yeap, I'm going to post a picture of a character from the knife industry or cutlery history and your job is to guess who it is. I'll provide a little clue too. Prizes?…


Added by Scott King on February 22, 2011 at 14:30 — 16 Comments

Doug Ritter's Knife Rights News Slice - February 17, 2011

Utah Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes House Vote

The Knife Rights backed Knife Law Preemption bill (HB 271), sponsored by Utah State Representative Ryan D. Wilcox, passed in the House 52-17-6.  Next stop is a  Senate hearing.  

Utah residents should call, write or email their State Senators urging support for HB 271. You can find your Senators here:  … Continue

Added by Scott King on February 18, 2011 at 8:19 — 1 Comment

The Future of Organized Knife Collector Associations

I've been struggling with trying to see what the future of our traditional knife clubs and associations looks like.


For years, our local clubs provided a social gathering for like-minded collectors. Then you also have the regional and national associations providing certain benefits to their members in exchange for dues. These benefits included, among other things, newsletters/magazines, organized knife shows, club knives and identity.


Now it seems these…


Added by Scott King on February 13, 2011 at 8:00 — 13 Comments

Now that is way too controversial to talk about here!

You know we all are passionate about topics we feel strong about- for some folks it's football (War Eagle!), for others it's religion (..let's not go there), for others it is politics (...don't go there either), but there are many others.

Really though there are hot topics with just about every…


Added by Scott King on January 27, 2011 at 22:00 — 67 Comments

Pages from a knife collector's journal- It is time to re-define my collection

JOURNAL ENTRY DATED  January 15th, 2011


I've entered a new phase in my knife collecting hobby and it is one I've never gone through before. I relate it to entering later mid-life and dealing with things that come along as a…


Added by Scott King on January 15, 2011 at 12:30 — 15 Comments

Disturbing news. Need your help if you joined iKC recently

I received some disturbing news today- from two different collectors who have attempted to join our community and, for some reason, weren't able to get through the process.


I'm working with both these collectors to get them to try again and document for me what is happening at the step they encounter a problem. One man reported it and I received a cc on his…


Added by Scott King on December 27, 2010 at 20:56 — 7 Comments

Sunday Drives and the iKC Community

One of the aspects I love about our community is the wide range of knife interests represented by our members. When you have time take a stroll through the member list and read each member's profile and their interests. It is easy to see collector niche's range from advertising knives to old bowies, tactical to high-end customs and I…


Added by Scott King on December 11, 2010 at 9:30 — No Comments

iKC joins up with facebook

Many of our members joined iKC not only because of all the knife collectors here, but because it was a familiar interface- one that is very similar to facebook- easy to use and very social compared to all the other online knife venues. Well, today iKC added a new feature and one facebook users here and there will appreciate.

facebook currently is a bit larger than iKC. Yeah, membership is…

Added by Scott King on December 4, 2010 at 16:30 — 9 Comments

Hot off the press- Kinfolks Knives by Dean Case

While not all the members are early American cutlery company history buffs, and I wasn't either when I first got serious about collecting knives, and yet, getting a glimpse of the life and times of those early days helps round out our understanding of many of the How and Why's of knife company history and knife collecting today.

I've just finished reading Dean Case's new book- Kinfolks Knives, A History of Cutlery And Cousins. Dean is the…

Added by Scott King on October 16, 2010 at 7:30 — 2 Comments

Has the economy helped or hurt knife collecting- what do you say?

Is our hobby being impacted by the current economic situation? That's the subject of today's opinion poll.

I've heard it argued both ways- in good times folks are flush with cash and looking for something to get into- or the contrary- in bad times folks pull back, spend their money more wisely and have less disposable income and therefore aren't looking for…

Added by Scott King on September 28, 2010 at 18:30 — 10 Comments

The Tale of My Antique Letter Opener & Airport Security

I do a bit of traveling on commercial airlines and one day knew I'd forget to take one of my blades out from my briefcase. It was inevitable. While I do have two briefcases- one for work and one for knife shows- it was having knives in my work one that I worried about.

Yes, I tend to use my briefcase to carry knives in- typically though I use it for hauling the ones sent to my office for me to take home (eBay purchases). But I've always worried one day I'd have a…

Added by Scott King on September 6, 2010 at 9:00 — 5 Comments

Knife Rights Update- Doug Ritter

Will DA Vance Arrest Stephen Colbert for Switchblade Possession?

Given New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr.'s campaign to shakedown and prosecute those selling or possessing so-called "illegal knives" (locking one-handed and assisted openers) in New… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 29, 2010 at 18:23 — 5 Comments

Case Collectors Reunion & Grand Collectors Auction was a blast!

iKC is home of a very diverse group of knife enthusiasts. All you have to do is set the photos to slide show and you will see. Because of our wide range of knife likes, not everyone here is a traditional pocketknife collector, per se, and yet, Case is one of the most popular knife companies in the world, so I thought I'd share a couple of things about my trip.

Yesterday I returned from my trip to Bradford, Pa. where I attended the W R Case Collector Reunion. It is…

Added by Scott King on July 18, 2010 at 22:00 — 3 Comments

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