A G Russell called and our 2010 Sunfish Club Knife is in!!

I'm excited to report our first-ever iKC club knife is in. A. G. called me today as they finished their inspection of each knife in our order.

I'll be emailing all you members who have reserved one so far. I want to get them in and double check the shipping amount and then will let you know.

A. G. said the exotic Monkey Thorn scales (handles) look fabulous. I asked him to snap me a pic so I could show you the actual knife and black belt holster and he obliged.

This 2010 iKC Club Knife is a modern-day Jumbo Swellcenter Sunfish style knife. The original Jumbo Swellcenter pattern was invented by C. Platts & Sons Cutlery Company, Eldred, Pa., around 1900 and the knife was only in production for a half dozen or so years. They are highly sought-after by collectors and are a bit expensive.

Now over 100 years later, Mr. A. G. Russell is the only firm to reintroduce this popular pattern and had one made as an iKC exclusive!

The handle is 4 5/8" long. A hair over 1 1/2" wide, the blade is AUS10 and is 3 1/3" long and not quite 1/4" thick. It has a round silver medallion shield with iKC 2010.

The knife and holster is $95 plus shipping. I ordered a few extras so if you want one please email me directly at scott@iknifecollector.com. I need your regular email and street address/city/state/zip.

Views: 2698

Tags: club-knife, community-memorabilia

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Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on June 22, 2010 at 0:35
I'd like to help with the 2011 iKC knife selection. We have quite a challenge to work for. How do I go about assisting the team, JJ?
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 14, 2010 at 15:30

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on June 13, 2010 at 20:12
I understand. We'll test the warriors in a few months. I'll send a broadcast email out when it's time.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 13, 2010 at 13:05
Remember what I said about Gideon????
(Was hoping to have some others that drank from their hands.)

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on June 13, 2010 at 8:51
Thanks JJ for stepping up. You know I'll help you. My suggestion is to start a post (somewhere :) ) about soliciting feedback, if you want it, for the 2011 knife. Then as chairman you can either take a vote or use the power of the chairmanship to decide, on the knife. I'll say this AG was a pleasure to work with (and can get knives made here in the US depending on the one we want.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 13, 2010 at 1:07

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on June 12, 2010 at 8:44
Thanks all. Yes, the knife is killer, so sorry we ran out. I'm still waiting on a few members to pay and then the few I have left will start going to the "back-up" list of folks who contacted me to get one.
I'll say while this project has been a bit more effort than I anticipated, it was successful. I hope some members will drive and serve on a committee for selecting the 2011 iKC Club Knife.
Thanks to all of you who supported our first-ever club knife! And to AG for helping us too!
Comment by Rusty R Halsey on June 11, 2010 at 18:43
I waited a while to send in my check, now I can hardly wait!
Comment by Jakub Capek on June 3, 2010 at 12:28
Wow! Can hardly wait to get my hands on one! I will wait for your email Scott... patience is virtue.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 3, 2010 at 1:08
I have to agree with that. I was a bit disappointed with the folks that didn't give this one a shot, it's a REALLY nice knife. I'd hate to think that I only get knives that will appreciate in value, and disreguard this piece just because it's an import. I'm not planning on selling any of mine. (I'm letting my kids argue over them when I'm gone.)

White River Knives

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