Doug Ritter's Knife Rights News Slice - February 17, 2011

Utah Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes House Vote

The Knife Rights backed Knife Law Preemption bill (HB 271), sponsored by Utah State Representative Ryan D. Wilcox, passed in the House 52-17-6.  Next stop is a  Senate hearing.  

Utah residents should call, write or email their State Senators urging support for HB 271. You can find your Senators here:  http://www.utahsenate.org/map.shtml

HB 271 prohibits a municipality, county, or local district from regulating the use of a knife unless specifically authorized. Read HB 271: http://bit.ly/f1GPNm Rep. Wilcox's bill is modeled on Knife Rights' Knife Preemption Law passed in Arizona last year. Knife Rights, with support from Utah sportsmen's groups, local knife owners and other organizations is working hard to pass H.B. 271.
Without H.B. 271 law abiding knife owners in Utah could face a confusing patchwork of local knife laws and ordinances which could cause an otherwise law abiding knife owner to be in violation. While Utah currently has few knife ordinances, H.B. 271 is critical to keeping it that way. 

Anti-Knife Bill Introduced in Nevada

Nevada State Senator Sheila Leslie (D, Washoe 1) has introduced SB 171, to add to the list of weapons that the state prohibits in schools, including a sword, axe or hatchet, machete and so-called "dangerous knife," meaning any knife with a blade 2 inches or longer. Nevada is one of the few rational states where common pocket knives are not mandated to be treated as weapons prohibited by the state from schools. Schools are free to determine for themselves what  restrictions, if any, they will make.  Apparently not everyone in Nevada is willing to allow schools to deal with this issue as they see fit.  

Read the proposed bill:  http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/76th2011/Bills/SB/SB171.pdf

Knife Rights'  is on the ground in Nevada, working to stop this unnecessary and unreasonably restrictive bill.

Join Knife Rights at East Coast Custom Knife Show March 4-6

Please join Knife Rights at the East Coast Custom Knife Show in Jersey City, NJ, on March 4-6.  For 21 years this event was held in New York City until forced this year to move across the river by District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr's persecution of knife owners and retailers. For more details including  the custom makers, retailers and suppliers exhibiting and information on hotel and transportation: http://www.ecckshow.com


If you are a retailer or individual in New York who finds yourself targeted for the sale or possession of so-called illegal knives (one-hand opening and assisted opening knives), we urge you to immediately contact Knife Rights at: nycity@KnifeRights.org or toll-free: 1-866-889-6268.  You have a constitutional right to seek help and counsel.  

Make a contribution to the Sharper Future™ Legal Fund to support our fight against the DA's assault on our pocket knives: http://bit.ly/enfHoy


Join or Renew your Knife Rights membership today!  http://bit.ly/2QEVMP 


Knife Rights on Twitter

Follow Knife Rights on Twitter and receive the latest updates and notices as soon as they occur: http://twitter.com/KnifeRights

Views: 73

Tags: knife, knife-rights, laws, legislation

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Comment by Gary Kennedy on February 18, 2011 at 18:38
 Good info thanks for posting

White River Knives

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