Is our hobby being impacted by the current economic situation? That's the subject of today's opinion poll.

I've heard it argued both ways- in good times folks are flush with cash and looking for something to get into- or the contrary- in bad times folks pull back, spend their money more wisely and have less disposable income and therefore aren't looking for hobbies.
What do you say- are folks coming into collecting right now? Or do you think our numbers are decreasing? Or are collectors just sitting "out of the market" but will come back when times for them are better? Not necessarily talking about knife values or prices here, as much as are the folks who collect increasing in number or decreasing.
Or is the number of collectors about the same as it was before the economic meltdown at the end 08 (it actually started well before then) but they have just pulled in to weather the storm?
Opinions are just that, but I am curious about your's.
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