Has the economy helped or hurt knife collecting- what do you say?

Is our hobby being impacted by the current economic situation? That's the subject of today's opinion poll.

I've heard it argued both ways- in good times folks are flush with cash and looking for something to get into- or the contrary- in bad times folks pull back, spend their money more wisely and have less disposable income and therefore aren't looking for hobbies.

What do you say- are folks coming into collecting right now? Or do you think our numbers are decreasing? Or are collectors just sitting "out of the market" but will come back when times for them are better? Not necessarily talking about knife values or prices here, as much as are the folks who collect increasing in number or decreasing.

Or is the number of collectors about the same as it was before the economic meltdown at the end 08 (it actually started well before then) but they have just pulled in to weather the storm?

Opinions are just that, but I am curious about your's.

Views: 132

Tags: cash, collectors, economy, poll

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Comment by Mark Jeffers on January 3, 2011 at 15:56
I would like to say it has helped, at least me. I don't sell, I collect and prices have been reasonable all the way around. Not many are willing to put the effort, time and energy into grinding, cutting, polishing, drilling and custom fitting scales to the handle. Have found phenomenal deals in pawn shops and from water jet cutters looking to move old stock, also the price of hobby machinery is comming down ie belt sanders and buffers. This has been a perfect time for me to get involved in something new, that I love and I must say I'm amazed at what I've learned and continue to learn. I've only been at a year or so and everyone always asks me, where did you get that knife ?
Comment by Jody M on November 14, 2010 at 16:13
My sales have been down since August
Comment by Jerry L. on November 14, 2010 at 12:04
Well --- for me , it has helped a little --- people are hurting and selling off those edged weapons that they can live without ---- I've gotton some very good deals on Balisongs lately ---- I am a little surprised by the fact that about 2 weeks ago -- I was able to buy 10 NIB BM42s ---- had them priced "reasonable" and sold out in less then 14 days !!! Sure WISH I COULD GET MORE !!! The BM42s are HOT with both collectors and "flippers" !!
Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 31, 2010 at 1:36
I used to attend all the local knife/gun shows, in my area. In the last couple of years they have gone to more guns and less knives. Might be a political statement here.
On a personal level, for 2011 there's a double digit increase in my insurance and NO increase in the retirement check, for the second year in a row. Knife buying is having to slow down considerably. Picking and choosing a lot more than in the past.

Comment by T.A.DAVISON on October 14, 2010 at 20:20
I think? new collectors joining in has slowed some. But my sales are still steady.
Could be a lot better, but can't really complain to much. I know some folks are really still trying to make it.
Hope it gets better soon? Winter time is usually better for me in the sales area so it should pick up some.
Comment by Bob Andrews on October 6, 2010 at 16:34
As a Knife Dealer,I have seen the casual collectors do a lot more looking and a lot less buying.The hard core COLLECTORS are still there,and high end sales are steady.I think a lot of interested entry level collectors are just waiting for a bump in the economy to get into the hobby. Interest is very high,sales,not so much.
Bob Andrews

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on October 4, 2010 at 17:30
I can't help but think the economy has hurt. As you know I'm a real estate auctioneer and see most folks have been affected, even the high net-worth folks who had multiple vacation homes, planes, cars, etc. This wasn't just a 'dip' this time- it tanked. Real estate values in most parts haven't hit bottom yet either. I think folks have pulled in their horns til things stabilize. It will create some buying opportunities before it's over too. Folks who need a knife to do their job, I'm sure they are still buying but knives $100 or more I can't help but think they have been impacted....but don't have imperial data to back this up....just a hunch. So I think most hobbies are suffering a bit right now simply due to people needing to make lifestyle changes.
Comment by Trent Rock on September 30, 2010 at 1:45
I think it may have hurt collectors..since collecting more than one knife is a luxury good.
I think sales of Buck 110's or "everyday use" knives has been hurt less
To some people a knife is still a useful tool..I.E. they get "utility" out of it
Comment by Gary Kennedy on September 29, 2010 at 15:35
Opinion : I set up at Gun Shows and Knife shows in the last 3 months it has been very low end items that are selling .My range of knives are from $5.00 to $3,500.00 . The collector is out there but are shopping for low price's and the pattern collector that used to come to every show is gone!!!!!!!!!. The only thing that has suprised me is that there's not a lot of people selling there knives in this bad times .

Most of the people that I talk to at the shows are still in it for the long haul just not spend like they use to . If you want to learn about knives just set up at a show and all the lookers will ask question and give there opionion some very smart knife guys .
Comment by Sunil Ram on September 29, 2010 at 0:27
Well being more obsessed with knives this year than in the past, even though I haven't personally spent much money, I have to believe knife collecting has risen recently. I have been perusing the knife forums, manufacturers websites, knife retailers, eBay, catalogs, etc. It seems like there's more products in the knife related market than ever before. More manufacturers are offering new models and products. More and more custom knife makers are popping up all over the place. More different choices in steels and handle materials are available. Web based retailers are all battling each other for the best prices. eBay is filled with knives for sale, new and old.
Most collectors may have to pick more wisely on their new acquisitions, but I don't see less product on the market, I see more! Checking out the knife community forums, it seems like a lot of people are buying, not waiting for better times.

White River Knives

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