At the risk of alarming folks, I learned today the current administration (the White House) has put out a request for bids (RFP) for contractors to collect/capture/harvest and create a permanent record of comments made on social networking sites. While the network host of iKnifeCollector is not specifically named, many others are: FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube, in addition to others.

As reported by CNSNEWS.com, the request for bids outlines the harvesting of comments made in areas of those sites where the White House has established a presence- the bottom line is trigger words, I'm sure, will end up being flagged very probably throughout the sites though the news report only addresses the White House areas.

"The RFP for bids states the contractor is to 'capture, store, (and) extract' information that will be transferred to the National Archives & Records Admin for permanent storage." Additionally, "This would include 'both comments posted and messages sent' on those websites," according to CNSNEWS.com.

What concerns me the most about this effort by the Administration is the potential of seeking out any comments/emails it considers to be militant, a threat to the Prez and/or the public in general. We all already know we "knife guys" are viewed as potentially dangerous by many folks' eyes in the Administration by virtue of the fact we own knives.

CNSNEWS.com also adds, "While the Presidential Records Act (PRA) generally requires that the administration preserve information generated by the president and his staff, the White House says that in seeking to collect and preserve comments made by common citizens on social networking sites it is acting 'out of an abundance of caution' to comply with the law."

So this is the pretense of why the information is being collected and archived. Yeah, right!

Views: 32

Tags: NING, iKC, networks, social

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Comment by J.J. Smith III on September 2, 2009 at 23:07
It's just a matter of time...
There's already talk of the "administration" taking control of the internet.
Enjoy your free speach while you can.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 2, 2009 at 20:27
Yes, David you are right. The info says its related to the White Houses areas. There is no one here to my knowledge a part of the White House staff.....we have no problem. A little tongue-in-check humor sprinkled in there. Sorry if I caused alarm.
Comment by David Hawkins on September 2, 2009 at 16:43
The article said "Anyone who posts comments on the White House’s Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter pages will have their statements captured..."

So far we are still ok....sort of. There are already search engines that gather and store snapshots of all web pages on a regular basis and you can see how the web page has changed historically. Pretty cool but also very big brother. We will have to start printing our own anonymous pamphlets again soon.

White River Knives

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