To all iKC and NKCA Members- My decision to serve on the NKCA Board of Directors

Today I was approached to fulfill a vacancy on the board of directors for the National Knife Collectors Association for the balance of the term which runs through the end of 2011.  I agreed to allow my name to be submitted to other board members for confirmation.


I agreed to be considered for the NKCA board for several reasons:

  • I care about our hobby and about the NKCA.
  • I have a passion to help spread the word about how much fun our hobby is. In the past, I've primarily done this through online venues like ElephantToenails.com, Cutlery News Journal, YouTube, Twitter, facebook and here. 
  • The NKCA has played an active and important role over the years promoting our hobby and was the first knife association/club I joined once I got hooked on playing with knives. 
  • It needs help now. There are some issues that prompted me to do this right now- The new treasurer, Leroy Matthews, is an excellent choice to sort out the financial matters. What happened in the past is important mainly to keep it from happening again, but "examining the books" so to speak, isn't going to provide leadership direction, even though accountability is important to the membership.
  • The NKCA needs a clarified and/or new vision and purpose. It has lost some of its relevancy today.

Bottom-line: The NKCA needs folks to care and to step up. And while I'm not Mr. Fix It or Superman, I am willing to do my best to help the others right the ship before it is too late.



For you who may not be familiar with the NKCA-


The National Knife Collectors Association (NKCA) was founded in 1972 as a membership based, not-for-profit corporation, chartered in the State of Tennessee. The NKCA is the oldest nationwide, all knife-only-organization, bringing together knife fanciers & enthusiasts, knife collectors, knife makers and knife dealers with something for everyone who appreciates cutlery. The NKCA is focused on promoting the hobby of knife collecting, educating the general public and providing programs that enhance the knife collecting experience.   www.nkcaknife.org


I am not changing the purpose of our community or my involvement here...are you kidding- I have a blast! :). And while there is an overlap between iKC, and other online knife forums/communities, and offline/traditional knife organizations, the NKCA has resources, manpower and position  to continue to be a driving force to grow our wonderful hobby of knife collecting.


If you are a member of the NKCA I'd appreciate your support and if you'd be willing to tell all NKCA members you know (online and offline) to help me- I'd greatly appreciate it. 


Now I guess I'd better tell my wife :)

Views: 223

Tags: NKCA, association, members

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Comment by Trent Rock on March 5, 2011 at 15:04

Congrats Scott!!

You are well qualfied for the postion

I have faith in you :)


I would like to personally lobby you to lobby for a Santa Barbara knife show

West Coast gets NO love as far as knife shows :(

(well..the Pasadena Show is this weekend...I flaked again!! Wallet kind of thin and I hate LA traffic)

It could be a custom knife show AND "vintage knives" show

One of the main complaints I heard was that The Santa Barbara CUSTOM knife show only had expensive knives

It's nice to be able to hold/see Daniel Winkler knives AND Schrade Old Timers

You don't really have to twist people arm TOO much to come to Santa Barbara

And there are other venues besides Ol Fess Parker's hotel


Ventura would be a nice location too

I don't think The SF BAy Area has too many knife lovers

For political reasons which I will not expound on...hehhehe


San Diego would be nice too

I'd drive to SD for a knife show

If I could meet some people in "real life" that would be a major bonus

No pictures of T Rock though

The paparazzi hates me!!! lol


I won't bug you anymore about a West Coast knife show Scott

Just tossin' it out there that us West Coasters feel outta the loop...

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on March 5, 2011 at 10:32

Because a number of fellow iKC members indcated here in the blog they will renew or join with new leadership and direction of the NKCA, I'd appreciate it if you'd join us at this Membership & Renewal Drive in the NKCA Local Chapter here at iKC. Here's the link to let us know.

You'll also find the link here if you want additional info.

Thank you!

Comment by robert david on March 5, 2011 at 8:59
Thanks,for your  committment and willingness to help.I do not want to see the NKCA go to the wayside. Bob
Comment by Billy Oneale on March 4, 2011 at 22:06
Congratulations, Scott. You will be a big asset to the organization.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on March 3, 2011 at 23:16
2 BIG thumbs up, Scott.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on March 3, 2011 at 22:42
Don't think I have that kinda pull, Gerald. Sorry. It fell right on the weekend we leave for Spring Break- I'm driving over on Friday...making the board meeting that night and then driving back in the wee hours Saturday morning to load up and go on our family trip....so I hear ya :)
Comment by Gerald Hines on March 3, 2011 at 22:28

Congratulations Mr Mayor/Director.


Dang a show in Dalton and I'm in Arkansas until the end of the month. Can you have them delay the show until April1-2.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on March 3, 2011 at 22:24

To follow up in case you didn't see my status update- I got word today I was voted in for the NKCA Board of Directors. Our first board meeting is Friday, March 11th after the show closes that day- in Dalton, Ga.

Thanks for your support and encouraging words. I'll do my best to help our much needed collector association. If you have suggestions for the organization, please send me a message of ways we can improve or new areas/needs we can address.


In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on March 2, 2011 at 22:16
Got this encouraging message to us earlier today from two current NKCA board members-

Thanks for your blog. Mary & I agree that your support as board member is welcome. We will   nominate you to fill a vacant Directors position,  remaining term  ending 12/31/2011.  Next board meeting will occur at the Dalton show.  Special thanks to the IKC community for their support and desire  to see the NKCA succeed once again.
Looking forward to working with you to grow the NKCA membership and provide deserving services.
Your friends,
NKCA Board Members, Mary & Wayne Koons

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on March 2, 2011 at 22:06

Thanks Mike, Dick, Roger, Joe, JJ and all of you for your support.

All I ask now is to help me by letting the other NKCA members know. If you can spread this link around a bit, that'd be very helpful- whether you email it to your friends or post in places NKCA members will see it- either way I'd appreciate it!

White River Knives

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