This last year has been a blast! As each of you joined iKC we got a chance to know some things about you. Little about your personality, your EDC, the knives you like, and usually other stuff too.
We are all different- and some more so than others, but nonetheless, we all have contributed to iKC celebrating our first birthday today.
Yes, it was April 14th, 2009 when iKC was born. It was slow going there for a while, but slowly as each of you joined and then shared the news about iKC with your friends we grew. Today, we are bumping 2000 members Now having reached 2001 members and growing in good conversation and connecting with like-minded collectors- like you and me.
So, the truth is- it is OUR birthday today- yes, we'll call it iKC's but the truth is you, and me- we are iKC.
Frequently as I'm welcoming our newest members I'll tell them iKC is a great group of knife folks- of all ages and knife interests. And it is true- our community is an excellent group of good knife folks that care about our hobby and each other.
So, let me say- Thank you! I've had fun here this year and plan on having fun this next year too. I've very much enjoyed getting to know you and sharing our bond of love for knives, our hobby and good fellowship.
Now Cheers to another successful year! I'd love to have you sign our Birthday Card to each of us by adding a comment below. Thanks!
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