Challenge is Expose someone to Knife Collecting and to iKC

I am and have been involved with a lot of knife clubs, not one of them has brought the pleasure and fun that iKC has

the clubs always end up the  same, fewer people show, except to get the club knife. Lots of disagreements

arguments, etc,,, Hard feelings over chosen or not chosen ideas. iKC is a fresh exciting idea cultivated by a group in a knife club that just happens to be online. The perspective here is open, friendly and never dull!

So, i try to expose all my customers and friends to ikc Its a learning experence in knives as well as life.

Thanks iKC ... Whats your thoughts ??

Views: 137

Tags: Esee, NKM, National, iKC, iknifecollector, izulu, knife, museum

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Comment by Chuck Parham on February 2, 2014 at 6:40

Sometimes I'm glad there aren't many collectors around where I live. Keeps the competition and prices down. But I'm trying to build followers and collectors. I enjoy showing knives to those who have a genuine interest. Seeing the look on their face when they see a familiar pattern or something totally unknown to them that awes them. I just found out a coworker of mine is an avid sportsman but, like me, has been bogged down by work and looking for work that the hobbies have taken a backseat. I've invited him to attend a local outdoors sportsmen's show in 2 weeks and he jumped at the opportunity. I think I may have a diamond in the rough here!

All in all, iKC is a great place to learn about knives and more important, meet great people who turn into great friends. Kudos to Jan, Hog, Sue and all the rest that make this a true Knifeaholic's haven.

Comment by Charles Sample on January 27, 2014 at 20:40

Jan you are exactly right about growing the right way.  It would be very easy to destroy what we have here if a bunch of people that aren't interested in the other people on the site come in and bring the things already mentioned with them.  The family atmosphere here is one of the things that make this site what it is, the best site on the internet!

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 27, 2014 at 20:06

I agree, there are very few knife collectors around here, so IKC gives me a chance to meet other collectors. We are lucky to have such nice people as our members. I enjoy my time spent here and the great people that I call my knife collecting friends.

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on January 27, 2014 at 20:05

I stumbled across IKC last fall and am forever grateful that I did !! I have been a knife junkie for most of my life and have been a member of other knife forums in the past who I won't mention-This is the only site where the members are "family" and truly care about each other and find answers to questions, not because they have to, because they want to.I could not imagine another knife site that would be as friendly  and welcoming as this one-It may be strange to say, but some of my closest friends are members here !!  BTW, apparently the appeal of our IKC  ethic is working, we have new members from all over the planet !!

Comment by Ken Spielvogel on January 26, 2014 at 15:13

I think its the members that make this the best. They care, not only about knives, but about others thoughts, and ideas.

Comment by Jan Carter on January 26, 2014 at 15:09

Thanks Terry, that about sums up my thoughts.  The members are everything here and we seem to attract the folks that are tired of the discord, just looking for a warm place to put their feet up, talk about and see knives.  Funny, it sounds like such a simple concept but I think the difference is in the growth.  We dont need to grow so fast we lose the feel, we just need to grow the right way.  With the help of everyone here we seem to be doing just that :) 

White River Knives

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