In Memoriam
John McCain
  • Male
  • Champaign, IL
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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John McCain's Friends

  • Mary White Kennedy
  • Mike Opp
  • Heather Stanford
  • Michael G Keuler
  • Bryan W
  • Spec-Operator 4
  • ben layner
  • Paul Mig
  • Bill Myre
  • Syd Carr
  • Lars Ray
  • Michael  Squier
  • Kees ( KC ) Mension
  • Richard Whittington
  • Keith Baker Sr

John McCain's Discussions

Puzzling no name knife- an antique store find

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shlomo ben Maved Mar 23, 2016. 6 Replies

Okay, I know I usually answer these sort of questions, but this has me puzzled. Perhaps someone recognizes this old gem. I paid $15 for this at an antique store.It has no markings what so ever, and…Continue

A surprise in my mailbox yesterday-- a knife day

Started this discussion. Last reply by Charles Sample Jan 29, 2016. 5 Replies

Opened my mailbox to find an unsolicited package from my oldest brother who lives just outside of Little Rock. I haven't been able to contact him yet to ask why, and there was no note enclosed ????…Continue

A Little Humor- Why some men have dogs,not wives

Started this discussion. Last reply by Matt Miller Nov 12, 2018. 5 Replies

1-The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.2-Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.3- Dogs like it if you leave  a lot of stuff lying on the floor.4-A dog's…Continue

Mustad-KVD knife+ sharpener from the pawn shop

Started this discussion. Last reply by Charles Sample Aug 28, 2015. 2 Replies

 First off, this is not the greatest knife since sliced bread, but it is pretty nice for a fishing trip or camping trip.This is the Mustad-KVD  Model-KVDPK2- I bought mine for about $6 at a pawn…Continue


John McCain's Page

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
google search
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How long have you collected knives?
21- 25 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Remington, Case folders
vintage knives of all types
About Me
knifemaker and avid collector
knifemaking and collecting

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John McCain's Blog

Pre knife hysteria-When knives were actually MADE in high school- Texas Black knives, etc- PT 6

Posted on August 21, 2014 at 18:19 3 Comments

Photos of Henry Calvin(Sgt. Garcia) with his " Texas Black Knife" - Also photo of  the Crozier Technical High School mini tank- BTW, they made this, too !!…


Pre knife hysteria-When knives were actually MADE in high school- Texas Black knives, etc- PT 5

Posted on August 21, 2014 at 18:12 1 Comment

How these knives came to be dubbed " Texas Black knives"-  The first was found in an estate sale belonging to General  Graber Kidwell of Dallas, Tx.- Not much thought about it until another was found in the estate sale of Henry Calvin, better known as Sgt. Garcia of the old " Zorro" tv show- Got the finder interested in old newspaper articles etc. and he dubbed the knives " Texas Black knives-- What follows are old Dallas newspaper articles, and Henry Calvin (Sgt.  Garcia)  with his own "…


Pre knife hysteria- When knives were actually MADE in high school- Texas Black knives, etc-The war years PT 4

Posted on August 21, 2014 at 17:45 1 Comment

 Now  is the saga of the Crozier Tech knives-

Upon America’s entry into World War Two, our troops were painfully short of many items of equipment. Many were not even known at the time, as a new type of war was being fought. Large-scale troop movements in diverse weather conditions made supply a real problem. Clothing and weapons were the first big step, without which our troops could not enter any battle. Knives were on the agenda, but pretty far down on the list. The need was there,…


Pre knife hysteria- When knives were actually MADE in high school- Texas Black knives, etc-The war years Pt. 3

Posted on August 21, 2014 at 17:30 2 Comments

Here is an old letter requesting a knife--

"In Jun. 1943, my dad (only 20 years old) had just finished Navy boot camp, and commando training.  He was in an ARGUS unit, assigned to act as an infantry soldier, and to set up radar stations with the Marines when they invaded Tarawa (although he didn't know then that Tarawa was his

destination).  He felt his issued knife was insufficient as a combat knife. And he wrote home to my Granddad, in Dallas, with one request.  As I read…


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Comment Wall (85 comments)

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At 18:38 on December 8, 2017, John Kellogg said…

Missing my verbal sparring partner. See you on the other side my friend. Happy Birthday!

At 14:15 on December 8, 2017, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Miss you, John! Wish you were here for this Birthday, my friend.

At 22:30 on December 8, 2016,
Charles Sample

Happy Birthday John!

At 18:28 on December 8, 2016, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 10:55 on December 8, 2016, Jan Carter said…

At 3:54 on December 8, 2016, John Bamford said…

Happy birthday John , hope you have a great day .

At 6:29 on December 7, 2016,
In Memoriam
D ale

Hey hey .. I see it's your birthday tomorrow.


Enjoy your day !!!


D ale

At 19:11 on August 6, 2016, Pete Walker said…


Thank you very much for your response with the history and value/price information and beautiful pictures.

It will really be interesting to find out what happens at the French auction.

Best regards,


At 11:59 on April 16, 2016, Sunil Ram said…

Hey John, thanks for joining us at the Stockman Pattern Group.

At 21:40 on April 2, 2016, J.J. Smith III said…


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