I promise not to get sentimental in this post, so don't worry.....just hang with me though, OK?

We started gathering knife collectors now- what about 4 months ago? Now when I step back and just look at how far our community has come- I am amazed.

Like you, I have to work hard to keep ends meeting. Well, as part of my real job is traveling. That's the bad part (I really don't like to be away from my family), but the good part is what I was able to do today- and that is- spend some time within our community.

Yes, I basically had the afternoon in my hotel room, between appointments today and tomorrow, to dig deep exploring the community you built. My gracious- it is fantastic. Don't think I haven't been here lately, but you know how it is. Over the last month I've only had time to dart in and then back out....well not today. I had several hours to visit. Read. Look. Watch. Comment. And add.

I am so proud of what we have accomplished. We are well on our way to having a very solid community here. I follow different trails within iKC and each time I see collectors connecting with other collectors. Everywhere. That is exactly what I hoped iKC would grow into. You guys have made iKC what it is today.

You know the numbers aren't the thing. Honestly. I know some members will join and rarely come back. That's to be expected with any social network. But you guys/gals who have taken ownership here have helped built out our community and I appreciate it.

The way I look at it is this- as with anything in life- we get out of it what we put into it. You guys are giving and it is evident, and appreciated.

Views: 51

Tags: iKC, thanks

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Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on July 23, 2009 at 22:59
Geez Scott...you got me all misty-eyed...

Comment by T.A.DAVISON on July 23, 2009 at 10:07
About all I can say to this right now is THANK YOU! and you are very WELCOME!
I think this place will be a big hit for collectors now - and in the future.
It's great to meet other knife folk from around the world, it truly is what makes this place great.
Here's to you and the rest of the gang here, a big slap on the back. - TA

White River Knives

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