Need your help to support one of our members!

If you have ever been a slave of something, then you will feel for what one of our members is going through right now. I'm asking you to contact him to encourage him in his quit smoking effort. We are a community here. At the risk of sounding over mushy, our support for one another through life, is a direct byproduct our what we have going on here.

To those who don't or haven't ever smoked, quitting smoking probably sounds like a no-brainer and no prob, but if you have quit or tried to, then you know it is tough. Unfortunately, many folks have a life threatening experience that scares them into quitting, but for the others, who simply want to quit, it is one of the hardest things to do.

Nuff of me talking here- go visit our friend- Gritter Trash and offer him encouraging words....and then, please don't assume that did it- cause we will need to continue to drop by and hold him accountable to the decision he has made- he gave us that right, ok?

Plus, he is video documenting this on his YT Channel. Check it out and while this is a serious subject and effort, there are parts of his first vid that are really funny :)

Thanks. And one day he will thank you too. Gritter, you can do this....one minute at a time!

Views: 45

Tags: addiction, community, member, support

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Comment by Lloyd Shoemaker on August 11, 2009 at 20:55
Gritter, Keep up the good work. It's hard , but not impossible. I was 2 packs a day for 23yrs(took a favorite aunt dying of lung cancer to do it for me) I'm 11 yrs free this Sep.10.You sir can do it!I wish you the best!

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on July 27, 2009 at 13:55
Hey Gritter. Hope you are making it a little easier now than day 2 or 3. Just remember to get back up on the wagon if you happen to fall off. It is more than an addiction of the body, it is a habit of the mind, hands and mouth that thousands of folks quit each year. Make us proud.
Comment by rocky on July 25, 2009 at 23:21
good luck
Comment by DrBlade on July 23, 2009 at 9:36
You got this. I will send some good vibes your way. Think of some of the best times in your life and bring that picture up in your mind when you are feeling down. Tons of respect for going public keep ikc updated.
Comment by Gritter Trash on July 22, 2009 at 8:27
Wow, Scott! This means a LOT to me! Yes, the reason I "went public" with this, is so I'd feel like if I mess up, I'd be letting the entire internet down! You got it right - I WANT to be held accountable, and I plan on posting more update videos, but honestly this Chantix drug has got me all twisted and I have not been in a good enough mood to start the video camera.

White River Knives

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