Has anyone made their own, from a chainsaw, motorcycle or bicycle chain?

I have a friend, who couple days a week, uses a oxy/acy torch all day. And for a couple of  A.F.'s (Amber Fluids, or beer), I am sure I could get him to heat it up, then me pound on it, fold it, etc, and have him heat it up when it gets hard. etc, etc.

Then, when it is cool, fashion a blade.

Has anyone done this,  or do you think it will work?


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I don't know, but it sounds cool, Tom.

Spring for a six-pack....

Tom, you have to tell us how this turns out! Lots of the local kids here make them out of spikes, old saw blades,, you name it! And using homemade forges too! LOL

Never seen it done but it sounds like a great adventure.  Go for it and let us know

An Oxy/acy torch will not supply the volume of heat required to accomplish this task. Most guys who do make Damascus, however, would be equipped to pull it off if you asked VERY!! nicely.

Thanks for the Info Karl.  I know I can buy, 'billets' of Damascus steel, and crafted blades, of all sorts, but I thought of trying to make one, out of something I have laying about.

I am not a quality knife crafter, (nor do I play one on TV), but I have made some specialty pieces, which look like H***, but, although very crude, they work for the purpose intended.

Looks like, I will have to play with my homemade smelter, to turn it into a forage.


That brings up a good reality show idea.  The knifemakers of the world!

I have one started but Im far from a smith. Ive seen a blade forged on one end and the rest of the chain balled up to for the handle. It was a beautiful piece.

I have used chainsaw chain and motorcycle chain. Folded and wired it together in several layers before forging. Needs to be soaked at a yellow heat and use plenty of flux and start at one end. Will take multiple heats. Stiff wire brush to clean the scale up between heats. Its not easy and expect a lot of molten flux and sparks to fly around. Use plenty of protection.

Don't think an oxy acet torch would provide sufficient heat over a large area to make it happen. Needs to be some kind of forge.

Using wire rope and twisting it under a yellow heat and lots of flux is an easier method but would still need a forge.

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