This unofficial survey is to determine who has purchased knives on eBay and a brief description of your experience. Would you do it again if you were a first timer? For those iKC members not based here in US what has your experience been using eBay? We are not looking at the seller experience just yet, only buyer. two main questions but fill in other information as needed.




  1. Have you used eBay for buying knives?
  2. How often do you buy on eBay?
Results of the poll are being tabulated and we'll post them shortly Thank you for your responses!

Tags: buy, eBay, survey

Views: 667

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1) Yes

2) A few times a year but not knives. I will never ever buy another knife from ebay after I was attempted to be scammed for almost $700. In the end I put enough goverment pressure on him to force him to refund me.

Afternoon Hog... Just finished looking at knives on eBay. Have a few I am watching to perhaps bid on later today. The ones that are the most fun are those that you win by 1 cent, the worst is those you lose bya penny.

I also added a stockman picture today as well as a couple others.

Thanks Scott, that's a great tip there, had not thought about that before. Makes me wonder..what did they NOT say????

Scott King said:

Yes, I sure do, along with a lot of other old knife company memorabilia. It is a treasure trove of knife stuff and invaluable place for collectors of old knives and knife company history. I can spend hours scrolling through some of my favorite searches too- just search "Cutlery" (might want to subtract from the search certain words so you don't get CutCo and some of the other non-important words, cause the list will already be pages long).


Been on there since '99.  "oldelephanttoenailhunter" is my handle :)


The number one lesson to buying on eBay is to read for what the seller is NOT saying. What should have the seller pointed out, that he/she didn't mention...and why? :)

Thank you Halicon, never good when you've been burned. Its a shame there are people like that.

Halicon said:

1) Yes

2) A few times a year but not knives. I will never ever buy another knife from ebay after I was attempted to be scammed for almost $700. In the end I put enough goverment pressure on him to force him to refund me.

Thank you Jim, always good to get a bargain. Sometimes the ones I think should go for just so much go for a LOT more. In my opinion these days almost seems like it's hard to find a bargain knife on eBay.

Jim Thompson said:

Afternoon Hog... Just finished looking at knives on eBay. Have a few I am watching to perhaps bid on later today. The ones that are the most fun are those that you win by 1 cent, the worst is those you lose bya penny.

I also added a stockman picture today as well as a couple others.

We have bought several over the years, never really a bad experience.  I buy many items for the grandchildren now on there but not so many knives.  Old habits die hard though...I still look through the knives at least weekly
Thank you Jan, well you are up a few on me there! No grandkids yet and I'm lucky to get to eBay once a month! Still like to look though.

Jan Carter said:
We have bought several over the years, never really a bad experience.  I buy many items for the grandchildren now on there but not so many knives.  Old habits die hard though...I still look through the knives at least weekly

I've probably bought over 500 items, mostly knives and related memorabilia on eBay and have no problem buying there. 


While I do consider the seller's feedback, I look at the auction- the pics (or lack thereof) and what the seller says (and/or didn't).


If a seller is selling a knife and uses terminology like "great knife" or "great condition for its age" type statements it makes me VERY leery. I'm expecting knife sellers to use knife terminology, otherwise, I'm going to ask a lot of questions and possibly request additional pics.

Also, about that pointer about what the seller isn't saying- we knife guys/gals know there are things a seller should point out- like the "Walk and Talk," condition of handles (ie., cracks/chips, etc), clarity of the stamps, or even lack of stamp(s) (on the pen blade, for example). Does the seller point out the knife had been cleaned, when it is obvious- and he/she should have...especially when you can tell the seller does know knives (uses our hobby's jargon, for example)?


If the pics are blurry, I don't automatically assume the knife is bad- I know how hard it is to get good in focus pics, but if certain key pics are blurry (tang stamp or pins or close-ups) then I'm going to request more, but if the seller is vague in his/her description on top of blurry pics, then I might not bid on it.


I look for any misinformation- dates, factual info that should be common knowledge and how is the seller using that info. Does it appear they are trying to mislead a newbie, uninformed buyer- then stay away from them.  


But I don't expect the seller to point out how full or down the blades are: I expect to see it for myself. On the other hand, if the seller makes a statement about the blades being full when I know they aren't, then I'm going to approach that knife much more carefully.


If I detect any misleading info when I think the seller did it on purpose or if the seller doesn't respond to questions or send additional pics, if requested, or is a mean-guy, then I won't buy it. If my gut questions the knife and/or the integrity of the seller and it is an expensive knife- I won't bid.


I'm also looking for a seller to communicate with me too- answer questions, if I have any, to tell me when the knife is shipped, etc. And I won't hesitate to leave negative feedback if I think I've been taken advantage of- which has been rare.


Hog Hanner said:

Thanks Scott, that's a great tip there, had not thought about that before. Makes me wonder..what did they NOT say????

Scott King said:

Yes, I sure do, along with a lot of other old knife company memorabilia. It is a treasure trove of knife stuff and invaluable place for collectors of old knives and knife company history. I can spend hours scrolling through some of my favorite searches too- just search "Cutlery" (might want to subtract from the search certain words so you don't get CutCo and some of the other non-important words, cause the list will already be pages long).


Been on there since '99.  "oldelephanttoenailhunter" is my handle :)


The number one lesson to buying on eBay is to read for what the seller is NOT saying. What should have the seller pointed out, that he/she didn't mention...and why? :)

Scott’s provided some useful common sense advice here folks !!!!!



The number one lesson to buying on eBay is to read for what the seller is NOT saying.

What should have the seller pointed out, that he/she didn't mention...and why? :)



  • ..  consider the seller's feedback .. look at the auction- the pics (or lack thereof) and what the seller says (and/or didn't).
  • .. statements like "great knife" or "great condition for its age" ..  make me VERY leery.
  • … if the seller is vague in his/her description .. on top of .. blurry pics =  leery.
  • … look for / detect  any mis-information--- dates, factual info that should be common knowledge 
  • ..  how is the seller using that info .. does it appear they are trying to mislead a newbie or uninformed buyer
  • … if the seller doesn't respond to questions or send additional pics when requested
  • … or the seller is a mean-guy


If my gut questions the knife and/or the integrity of the seller-------  I simply stay away from them.

No...not yet.

Plan on starting a collection of fixed blades, I will start with Bucks from the '70's & '80's...I've been eying a few on eBay lately. All of my knives have come out of garage sale tool boxes, bartered items and ones my dad left me.

I completely agree with Scott, I've been buying other item's from that site and the first thing I do is check Seller Feedback rating. Sellers used to start a new account when their feed backs got too bad.

Item's with little to no information is always a red flag.

Non responsive sellers to emails don't get money from me.

Overall, read all information carefully-twice before deciding to bid or not.


I buy a few from ebay and have had fairly good luck. I have bought some for pretty good prices. I do get outbid a lot on knives because I usually have a set amount I am willing to bid. I have bought most of my Remington bullet knives from ebay. Most sellers I have bought from have been very truthful in what they sell. I do need to see lots of pictures like Dale and Scott and some of the others  do. I am relly leery of those that just shoe 1 pic with the blades closed.
Thank you Michael, I did not realize that if a seller began to have bad ratings they just create a new identity. It makes sense but just never occurred to me. I have heard where sellers create a new identity to bid up price.

Michael Kelley Sr. said:

No...not yet.

Plan on starting a collection of fixed blades, I will start with Bucks from the '70's & '80's...I've been eying a few on eBay lately. All of my knives have come out of garage sale tool boxes, bartered items and ones my dad left me.

I completely agree with Scott, I've been buying other item's from that site and the first thing I do is check Seller Feedback rating. Sellers used to start a new account when their feed backs got too bad.

Item's with little to no information is always a red flag.

Non responsive sellers to emails don't get money from me.

Overall, read all information carefully-twice before deciding to bid or not.



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