I am making a display cabinet for my Boker knives.  Is it okay with folders to display them with the blades half open?  Will it weaken the spring?


Thanks Brian

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peter force said:

@PHIL .. hey phil.. any time your sheaths are within the area of touching any material on your knife. especially the steel you have a problem. sheaths of almost all kinds have natural elements to them.im not going to get into all of them but these elements mix with the steels and other parts of the knives causing discoloration and other problems down the road. im not sure about storig them together..but iknow storing them at all TOUCHING is NOT GOOD.


i store my sheaths and knives totally seperate and just label which go with which.... NOW when speaking of KYDEX and other materials other then LEATHER and natural. i realy dont know.. i have left neckers in a kydex sheath for years and have pulled  out the blades with no issues.  -hope i helped- their is an entire library on storing knives out their.. ill find it and post it somewhere.

Hi Peter. Thanks for the info but being the newbie that I am this has me a bit confused. Most of my knives, Westerns, have stacked leather handles. If leather is bad wouldn't the leather on the handles also cause issues?

im guessing its possible hat the leather stacks may effect the hidden tang....but i would be more concerned with the leather rings that actually make the handle up... especially since the tang underneath im guessing will stay hidden most its life. i would treat the rings of leather just like i would treat the sheath.

after doing lots of reading i also came up with these ideas for you as well as a story or 2.

story 1-guy with 22 buck 110's all stored in sheaths....after 15 yr period ...he took them all out.ALL had to have blades PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED{as they were almost solid black}...as well as bolsters. 50% of the sheaths could not be used again as well.

story 2- and this is sad. collection of RANDALL knives. 50+ had to all be sent to factory to be restored and cost the guy 1000's$. now both of these stories have one thing in common. stored their knives IN lether sheaths.

i want to say that im not sure about other sheaths.im guesssing NYLON,KYDEX ectect...im sure their isnt to much that could go wrong but im sure i could be wrong.BUT found nothing to support storing in kydex or other material  will hurt the steel.


STORE YOUR FIXED BLADES AND SHEATHS WITH EACH OTHER BUT JUST LAY THE SHEATH NEXT TO THE KNIFE.if any doubt of mixing up sheaths place little sticky note in sheath with what knife it belongs to. it also makes for a nice display.i have a lot of tooled sheaths that look as nice as the knife i carry in it...THAT IS HO I DISPLAY MINE..KNIFE then SHATH to the right of it.

WANT TO STORE THEM AWAY-knives in old socks with ren wax and also a thing called "sheath rust prevenative" will work well. as i was digging around i figured i would check the GUN sites on this subject with HOLSTERS being leather and expensive when all nice and tooled up i knew fellaz wouldnt store their guns in their holsters.from what i read.they dont.

in the end i would REN WAX ALL LEATHER ..THE KNIFE RINGS.THE SHEATHS... im no expert if anybody disagrees now is the time. thank you.   PHIL I HOPE I CONTINUED TO HELP!... if your worry is about keeping sheaths with knives..just make sure the blades dont touch the leather and your good.

Ok, thanks for the education.Greatly appreciated.

I went this route, wife even digs it is an old typeset drawer!

Looks great Brian!

brian double score. LOOKS GREAT!! and WIFE LIKES IT!!


by chance was it a nice little snag..find .flea market grab?? just curious..




also i love when things ..like this with all its compartments meant for holding items..up it goes and now its a display piece.. i love it!

Ya was at a flea market for $18, I think it was a good deal. I had to let the wife in on it, to many little boxes showing up in the mail! Glad she was okay with it, the "its cheaper than guns" is working for now!

Great stuff Brian, gosh never see those things at the places I go...Have to get new places!

For what it's worth, what wears out a spring is exercising it, not leaving it at a specific position. 

If you open and close the knife over and over, that is wearing out the spring. 

If you leave the knife half open , the spring does not care. 

Most cars have springs that are under tension for 100% of their service lives, and they almost never "wear out", although it is true that sometimes they can sag. 

I like to see the blade on a knife that is displayed, as that is half of the beauty of the knife to me, but not everyone agrees. 

I would love to see your display when you get it ready - 



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