Member needs and prayer requests

Tags: medical, needs, prayer, requests

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I've got ya in my thoughts n' prayers, Robert. Lots of rest and plenty of good healthy nourishment will have you back on your feet and fit as a fiddle in no time! (Mind you, I have no idea what a "fit fiddle" would feel like but that saying has been part of my lexicon for as long as I can remember ~ and it sounds kind of cool, too!) *big grin*

Glad to hear that everything went well!

Cheers, my friend!

Robert Burris said:

Bless ya'll, them surgeries are getting harder and harder but I knew to be tough and I will appreciate all prayers for my recovery and I hope the healing goes well . Thanks gang.

Good evening folks,

I have just heard some distressing news and I would like to start a very large prayer chain.  There is a 5 month old little boy that is not doing well.  His little body is rejecting all nourishment and he is in an awful bad way.  He is going to start trying to drink goats milk today, it is the last resort for a strong recovery.  I have counted on all of you to lift prayers before and you have responded wonderfully.  Lets get this little boy all the support he can get

May god watch over and make the child well....prayers for him and his family as they fight the battle toward health....

all of our prayers go out to the child and his family at this diffacult time lord please heal him and give his family the stregnth to pull thru with flying colors .........

count on me to be a strong link in that chain! sending positive energy is this little guy's direction!

You have my prayers.

I can not express how wonderful it felt today to get news like this.  The young man is holding the goats milk down and ready for more!!!   Keep it up folks, the power makes a difference.

I'm still sending positive, healing energy in that little guy's direction! Now that he can hold some nourishment down he is well on the road to gettin' better!

Lord mercy, please help this little boy, I'm sorry thats all I can say. I will pray with the rest of ya'll.

Hey all, I haven't been spending as much time on here as normal and it's been a while since I've shared anything. 

I pray all is well with you guys and the many needs that we have.

My Grandmother (On my Mom's side) had a double knee replacement surgery yesterday. Everything went well and she was doing great, this morning around nine, she became completely unresponsive and when she came to, she couldn't move her right side. They believe she had a stroke, or a mini stroke. Praise the Lord she is doing great again and has been back to her normal self, but they moved her to a bigger hospital. We are blessed being so close to Pittsburgh because of the great care.

I just ask for prayers for her, she is in a ton of pain and this threat of a stroke is scary. She is really being a champ and fighting hard, hopefully the tests will prove all is well.
Thanks guys


May God Bless and comfort her and your family in this time of need.  We will be praying

get well and prayer's for your grandmother, hope it was just a transient attack and not a stroke.....sue

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