The Kershaw Klan at my home is growing with some new adoptions today. Just picked up five Kershaws today... Whirlwind, LFK, Ener-G, Skyline, OD-1. So that brings the total number of Kershaws that I have to 15. :)

Tags: Collection, Kershaw, Klan, Knives, kage

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Like them Kershaws I sell alot of them. Whats your favorite
Each in their own way is a favourite....

I love the feel and look of the Lahar in my hand, it is like a part of me... "it reminds me of Victory."
The OSO Sweet is the ol' reliable go-to, that makes me feel naked when it's not with me.
The Mini Mojito is the silver-tongued charmer that always beguiles and intrigues those about it.
The Leek is the relative separated at birth that you didn't know you had, but now seems to make you whole.
The BOA is that vintage Cadillac that imbues a distinct iconic feel and styling of a bygone era that one no longer sees in today's lunch-box fashioned vehicles.
The Ener-G I & II lads, are those X-treme-fueled, adrenaline-junkies, that want to get the most out of every moment that they can.
The Blur is that old Pro that doesn't go in for the flashy stuff, but still keeps an Ace up his sleeve for the knock-out punch.
The Skyline is that straight-laced, no-nonsense, take-me-as-I-come, country boy, that knows his job and does his duty.
The LFK is the baby of the family, and it's easy to love folly in a child when they have the "aah" factor going for them.
The R.A.M. is the aloof one of the family that always seems to distance themselves from the others, often hard to know, and usually only known well to a few, but treasured nonetheless for it uniqueness.
The Zing is that quirky kooky little cousin that is always able to get away saying or doing things that no one else would dare to, and you kind of have the feeling that they are going places some day.

As for the others, they're still waiting to prove themselves through the audition process to see whether they have the right stuff to be part of the Family.
i think the Scallion is the perfect little pocket buddy. The Chive is just to small. The mini Cyclone??at 4 1/4"is not really a mini but is a brute and has the cool speed safe on off button. Vapors are just great EDC knives. The black Storms are great sized and just look cool. The OSO are great EDC to but just not as sturdy as the rest. Centofantes again are a little small and hard to open with the thmbstuds so close to the frame. Going to pick up a few Grooves they have the zing type blade and finger grp handles with grey g10 inserts look nice.

Love the Kershaws but my favorite EDC is my SOG Twitch II. Been carrying it for 4 years and the anodized handles still look brand new.
With the addition of the Echo and the Military, that brings the number to 17 models of the K-Klan, but there's actually 18 knives in total, the other one being a Rainbow Leek (my one and only "closet princess.")
Just put in the Vapor to the K-Klan. So that comes to 17 models and 18 Kershaws in total.

Sad to say, but the Whirlwind didn't pass muster and has been regulated to the tool box. It's now the TBUK (Tool Box Utility Knife) and its pocket clip has been scavenged for use as a mod for the BOA, which now sports two clips (for simultaneous left/right carry.)


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