The community of knife collectors want to be able to say "Welcome". So, please let us know you have joined up with us here at iKnifeCollector- the next generation knife collector community

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Hey Jamie
Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and welcome to iKC!
Thanks Larry. Glad to have you a member here with us. We have fun here.
Welcome Jamie, glad to have ya here at iKC!!
Howdy Scott
Site looks good, I need to explore a little and figure out how things work. Looking forward to participating.
Thanks Donald. By the look of your My Profile, I think you are figuring it out pretty well :) If you have any questions though, just let me know. Might not know all the answers, but will try real hard.
Hi Scott and all:

I was running a search last night for a particular Benchmade model (741 Onslaught/Forrester) and came upon this site. Dunno how I missed this one over the years. I'm a big fan of Benchmade knives and have 30+ constantly rotating in the collection, and have been on the company forum four years now.

I grew up in Upstate New York in the Hudson Valley close to both the Schrade and Camillus factories, and started receiving pocket knives for my birthday every year from my Grandfather and Dad somewhere around seven years old.

My first real knife was a Buck 110 in '63 when in the scouts and in between enjoyed my Randalls and other customs. A few years ago a friend lent me his Benchmade 710HS on a job and I was immediately hooked and have been so ever since. Yes I also like Spydercos, but they are a close second in popularity.

I like what see here on this site, it's a very different design from the regular places I go (BladeForums, USN, etc.) and so far has shewn a lot of valuable info and knowledge.

You'll see more of me hopefully.

Joe K.
Thanks Joe. We are glad you found us too. Looking forward to your help in making iKC even better!
Thanks Scott for the welcome.

I know enough about knives to make a difference pretty much anywhere. 57 years old this year, been around blades all my life. Want to look me up I'm on the Benchmade Forum pretty much every day and have many friends over there.

hi scott....thank you for the site, God bless you and yours.
Thanks Falah. Glad you joined us here!

falah gumilar said:
hi scott....thank you for the site, God bless you and yours.
Hi folks,looks like a great place to be ,I got fed up with the side ways glances I get when people find out I have a knife collection so I am looking forward to making a few mates with a similar interest,No pic's of me yet but will upload soon ,I am sort of an ageing Harold Loyd with an English accent so you are not missing much.
Thanks for setting it up it is nice to know that at least here I will not be considered a candidate for the "rubber room party".
Glad you like out community here Richard and we're glad to have you. Look forward to your participation!

Richard Skinner said:
Hi folks,looks like a great place to be ,I got fed up with the side ways glances I get when people find out I have a knife collection so I am looking forward to making a few mates with a similar interest.
Thanks for setting it up it is nice to know that at least here I will not be considered a candidate for the "rubber room party".

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