We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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I'll be carrying today a large Imperial Fish Knife USA to help Veterans from the VA Home on a fishing trip.

This is me today. Every day I want to take a different knife....but this one just keeps on winning out over the other ones. I'm not sure whether I'm happy or sad about that.

NICE!!..  is that the PARKER PEN we were avle to get a date for??. i like it!

Alexander Noot said:

This is me today. Every day I want to take a different knife....but this one just keeps on winning out over the other ones. I'm not sure whether I'm happy or sad about that.

Yes it is. It's a really nice writer. Very smooth.

Today I am carrying my Spyderco Delica Clipit

You guys carry some fine knives.

So do you Rob!

Stuck on this Delica, I absolutely love it. I always thought i was a large knife guy, guess I'm not. I think I will get a couple of hard user Delicas next.

Real sweet Brad.

A Spyderco Native 5 is in my back pocket today, a rather elegant knife despite being a one-hander.  Locks up like a bank vault and feels as solid as we wish the dollar were.  It's the one on the bottom, below the Delica.

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