It is going to happen one day, if it hasn't already many times. You wake up only to discover you simply can't find your EDC, or the one you wanted for that day.

What'll you do? Pull out another one and chalk up the other one? Get on eBay right then? Cry like a baby? Accuse someone in your house of stealing it (or throwing it away)?

And if you had to buy a new one- what'd it be? Had your eye on a new one but were waiting til your birthday, now's your chance- tell us what you'd get and why-

Tags: edc, knife, lost

Views: 358

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What I Do? 1.Check all those pockets in my bibs 2. Check the recliner 3. Check the washing machine 4. Back track where I most likely laid it down. Although, I have not planted but a few in my lifetime, I remember when I was about 10 years old, I had slipped my Fathers stockman from his bibs one day and simply loss it. I refused to tell him how I loss it, so he whip me with a short 2x4(the first thing he could grab). Lesson learned early in life: don't abuse, miss-use your favorite pocket pal. What I actually did with his knife: I was thrower it a old oak tree to see if I could stick it. Guess what! I miss the tree, never to be found again. Best advice.......if you are prone to lay down your pocket pal....get a yellow handle.
It happened to me a couple of times. I have a couple of young kids and every once in a while i will pull my knife and wallet out of my pocket and set it on the counter or something. Then my wife comes home and moves them so the kids can't reach them. That makes sense except that she thinks its funny to Hide them and make me wait for a while till she gives them back. So when that happens I have to grab one of my back ups. Last couple of months ive been using my mini grip. The wife hasn't gotten that one!!! Yet.
This hasn't happened to me yet and im not looking forward to the day it does. From the second I wake up to the second I go to sleep my knife is always in my pocket. When I do go to sleep I always put my EDC knife along with my wallet in my safe. I know... Kinda paranoid but it is always there in the morning!

If I did loose my EDC I would use one of my other EDC knives and hope I will stumble upon it during the day. If I had to buy a new knife to replace my EDC I would go with the Spyderco Native. I am in a Spyderco mood lately and have been drooling over the Native for awhile. I love the simple design and S30V blade steel.
Oh yeah, it has happened sure 'nuff! Pulled on my pants only to discover there was no Little Case in the pocket. Well, maybe it's on the dresser....nope. Not in my other pants either. CRUD! What did I do with it??? This darn sometimers. Sometimes I can remember, sometimes I can't. Oh well, I'll just have to carry the Big One. Hmmm, that doesn't feel bad. Maybe I should carry this one more often.

About 3 days later I found it, laying right where I had left it after doing some little chore. Since then, I've made sure my knife is either in hand, close to hand or in my pocket.
I have not completely lost any of my knives yet (knock on wood) I am terrible at keeping up with things too. I thought I lost my delica once, I tore up the house, called my fiance to see if he had seen it, went all day without it. When he came home he looked under a pile of bills on the table...there it was. Needless to say I got a talkin-to about keeping up with my knives. I haven't done that since! BUT yesterday I had my drifter in my back pocket and he snatched it. Two hours later I needed my knife...but where was it!?

Gaw...he keeps trying to teach me these lessons.
oh the misplacing of a knife....I've done that more times than I can count.
If I think it is only temporally misplaced I'll grab another knife for the day and look for it when I get home. Only twice have I permanently misplaced a knife....both time I replaced it. Once was my Buck Rush....I got a better one about 8 months later. The second was my new Benchmade Mini Barrge- I hadn't had it 2 months and it was lost on our failed camping trip. The day after I got back I went out and bought a new one...although I'm still holding out hope that the old is some where in our camping stuff.
When I first started collecting knives, my first knife didn't have a pocket clip and one day I went mountain biking @ Palo Duro Canyon. Well I lost my knife while on the trail and did not realize it till I got home. I liked that knife soooo much that I bought the exact same model again. Today if I misplace my knife I will not rest till it is found. One time I took my Spyderco Tenacious out at work to use it and placed it temporarily on a shelf. I forgot that i placed it there and when i reached in my pocket and it wasn't there, i started to freak out. I instantly got these images in my head of someone finding my knife or a kid finding it and hurting themselves or something. So i ran back to where i last used it and it was still there. Man, losing or misplacing a knife is like losing a child for me.
And always check between your car seats. LOL.
I know it sounds silly but I am always devistated when this happens. I once lost a $15 knife and couldn't stop thinking about it. I am usually very hard on myself and then do a very dilligent job (for a while) of putting the knife where it goes. I always plan to replace them when I loose them because I really like every knife I have. That being said, there are varying degrees of devistation. Loosing my Byrd Cara Cara was bad but if I every lost my BM 940 I might actually cry.
CRY......a lot!

Most likely call up your Mom and see if i left it at her house! (OH SNAP! Just kidding)

I would try to find a knife that would fit my needs for the day and try to find it after work
i tend to freak out and start tearing my room apart to find it. most of the time it's still in the pocket of the pants i wore last. but if i still cant find it i just grab one of my other knives, usually my BM mini-griptillian or CRKT My Tighe.
i always have my edc on me cept at school and if i lost it id half to go withe meh back up Edc and that would make me mad and if i had to buy a knew one id buy the kershaw shalot it looks awesome


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