It's 2011 and spring has sprung, well kind of, depending on where you live, and your heart turns to Knife Shows from now till year end. Soooo......

Are you going? If you are buying will you buy? If your selling are you expecting a good year?

Tags: 2011, handout, ikc, knife, show

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Danny, thank you and so good to see you, hope health is good. Hope the Dalton show was good and I hear big things expected for the The Blade show. Please let us know how it goes.

Danny Allen said:

I just went to one in Dalton,Ga.  My other one will be the blade show June the 10,2011

Danny in Dallas,Ga.

I will be attending the largest knife show in the country April 9th in Eugene Oregon. This is on my calendar every year along with attending a Bram Frank seminar the day before the show. I have a specific knife I will be looking for and hope to find it.
That's coming up very soon too Kevin. Had no idea it was largest and in such a nice part of the country too! Please let us know how it went and if you got the knife you were looking for.

Kevin S Gallagher said:
I will be attending the largest knife show in the country April 9th in Eugene Oregon. This is on my calendar every year along with attending a Bram Frank seminar the day before the show. I have a specific knife I will be looking for and hope to find it.
I will report back on the show

Steve"Hog"Hanner said:
That's coming up very soon too Kevin. Had no idea it was largest and in such a nice part of the country too! Please let us know how it went and if you got the knife you were looking for.

Kevin S Gallagher said:
I will be attending the largest knife show in the country April 9th in Eugene Oregon. This is on my calendar every year along with attending a Bram Frank seminar the day before the show. I have a specific knife I will be looking for and hope to find it.

North Carolina has some good shows and price is reasonable for table space. The shows have been a great source for meeting folks and getting out the word on what we do at Emerge Knife Company. If you are up for the work and open to discussion with folks about what you do then try exhibiting at shows. We are attempting to make a western end of state show, mid state and eastern part of the state show with local shows added in. It is some work but we have meet with other knife makers in the state and received some great advice and direction on what is going on in the market!

Len Perry has been a great help to us! He upgrades Buck Folders and supplies Yellow Horse Knive custom Buck Frames sent to Len to be customized and then Len sends frames onto Yellow Horse. Len also makes some super custom fixed blades. Len's shop is in Knightdale, NC.

Be prepared to sell off the table and make your table look professional!

Thank you for posting that for our members John. We would love to know the results of any show you might choose to report on.

John Broughton, Jr. said:

North Carolina has some good shows and price is reasonable for table space. The shows have been a great source for meeting folks and getting out the word on what we do at Emerge Knife Company. If you are up for the work and open to discussion with folks about what you do then try exhibiting at shows. We are attempting to make a western end of state show, mid state and eastern part of the state show with local shows added in. It is some work but we have meet with other knife makers in the state and received some great advice and direction on what is going on in the market!

Len Perry has been a great help to us! He upgrades Buck Folders and supplies Yellow Horse Knive custom Buck Frames sent to Len to be customized and then Len sends frames onto Yellow Horse. Len also makes some super custom fixed blades. Len's shop is in Knightdale, NC.

Be prepared to sell off the table and make your table look professional!

I have added a handout in .pdf form that can be downloaded and printed for handouts at shows. It is an update reflecting our current membership and adds website info.

Please take a moment to view, print and handout if you plan on attending a show. Lets get more knife friends involved in our growing community!

My thanks to JJ. Smith who helped me get this item together. Any question please let me know.

Hog, I have a question. How do I get a list of all the knife shows that are scheduled.

Robert Burris said:
Hog, I have a question. How do I get a list of all the knife shows that are scheduled.
Robert. I know one source I have used in past is Blade magazine. The info may also be on their web site.
I do know we have a couple listed on main page and I know Blade show is in June 10-12, a big one in Atlanta. Several of our members attend about every show so we'll see if we can't get our list a bit more up to date and that might help you. You might try Blade magazine as Stan suggested(Thanks Stan) and I know they talk about the Blade Show. Good question though and I'm sure you would be interested in one down where you are too!

Robert Burris said:
Hog, I have a question. How do I get a list of all the knife shows that are scheduled.
 Hello Hog I find out about most of the Shows I attend through 2 sources Knife World Publication  www.knifeworld.com & then on the web at Gun Shows . Knife World has a good listing of  knife shows and there good people .


If I can figure out how to stream on my laptop I'll see what I can do.  If not it will have to be pictures and comments


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