Your most collected and your least collected traditional pattern.

To the point (for those who don't need a long-winded explanation):

Among the most common traditional pattern slip joint which is your most collected and what is your least collected pattern?

The long-winded reason for the simple question: (drink a caffeinated beverage before proceeding.)

I do a survey of patterns in my collection every so often to see what I have a lot of and what I have very few of.  (Not only am I a knife collector I'm an anal retentive collector with almost as many spreadsheets as knives.) 

But I find the survey helps me identify weakness in my collection and also helps me determine if I actually like a pattern or not.  Obviously sometimes you have very few of a certain pattern simply because they are harder to find than hen's teeth. But other times, its because you discover you don't have them in your collection because you'd rather buy some other pattern instead.  For instance  recently realized my Sowbelly collection stagnated at 6 almost two years ago! I have made no effort to kick the number higher.

The scary thing when you do these surveys is when you realize you have several knives of a particular pattern you don't care for yet very few of a pattern you actually like or thought you like!

Here were my results:

The top and the bottom of my collection.

For the most part I tend to have between 8-16  knives of the most collected patterns.

Favorite patterns to collect.

This would be patterns I actively seek to add to my collection and then ranked by highest to lowest according to the number currently collected.  As I have more Cigar pattern multi-tool Scout knives than any other style knife is in the 1 spot. (60+ scouts and 40+ SAKs)  The low numbers on mushroom knives  is due to a recent interest and  the low number available.  I have 6 mushroom knives on my current “want list” 

1)      Multi-blade Camp (Scout knives and related Swiss Army Knives) -  100+

2)      Nautical knives  (Ropes,  Riggers , and Marlin Spikes) – 30+

3)      Large frame Toothpicks  & Fish Knives  - 20+

4)      Non-nautical hawkbills  (Pruners, Cotton Samplers, and their cousins) – 20+

5)      Mushroom/Mycology knives  - 4


Least  collected

These are popular knife patterns that  I have never made an effort to collect.  Even when you don’t make an effort you might accumulate a few .   So my cut off number was  5 and under.  These are ranked based on the fewest in my collection.  Thus, the one spot is slotted for a popular pattern of which I don’t own. . In some cases it isn't because I don't like the pattern it is simply because it never crossed my mind to buy it.  Case in point - I really like the Grand-Daddy Barlow but when I'm thinking of buying one it normally loses out to a hawkbill or scout knife. And I'm pretty sure if given a choice between a coke bottle or a trapper, I'd say give me the coke bottle, yet the numbers below speak volumes.

1)      Coke Bottle (0)

2)      Moose (0)

3)      Folding hunter (1)

4)      Muskrat (1)

5)      Mini Trapper (2)

6)      5 inch LB  (2)

7)      Copperhead (3)

8)      Grand Daddy Barlow (3)

9)      Sodbuster or equivalent (4)

10)   Standard Trappers (5)

Of the least collected, the one I’m most likely to make an effort to collect

The Grand Daddy Barlow.  I have three of them currently on my “want list”

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My least collected is the Congress - I only have 1, a KaBar Dogs Head and one of my favorite knives.

The most collected would be either Scouts or Stockmans.

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