Hi all,


Thought I'd start a new thread asking folks to show a Buck knife photo or two. I like just about anything made by Buck. But, am drawn to the Gold etch art knives and love stag handles.

Buck 124 with Colt Firearm's gold etch


David Yellowhorse Dream knife



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Thanks Jan. I was just conversing with 300bucks over on AAPK, and we both think that nowadays Buck has put the series low on their priority list, just keeping a few models around for those who still want a traditional pocket knife. Seems like flip folders, hunters, customs and tacticals are more marketable these days. They used to offer 300 Series in various handle materials too, even jigged bone, and they have even stopped doing that for the most part. I've even noticed that 300 Series knives made after their move to Idaho are of slightly lower quality than those from San Diego, and neither of those close to the quality of those made by Camillus. Too bad really. I guess the world is changing, but I don't have to change with it.

As 300 reminded me, I now have a complete "collection" of the series, and it is worth more as a collection than the sum of the individual knives. It will be cool handing down a complete set mounted in a window box w/ historical info to my grandson, makes the effort well worth it. 300bucks reminded me that complete collections are something thieves look to steal, so they are definitely off of my EDC rotation now, (got plenty other knives to carry), and will be rolled up and stored in my safe until I get a window box for them.

Jan Carter said:


That is a beauty!  Until you started this discussion I did not know about all the knives in the 300 series.  Thank you for sharing them

The safe is a good home for them.  We display very few

Recently acquired, the only example of a Schrade-made, 1967/early 1971 Buck #301 Stockman w/ large brass handle pins that I have, (I already have #303 versions); notice the grind half way over the top of the long nail pull on the master blade, a typical Schrade trait. Below that is a comparison of the three versions I have, the latter knife on top being the oldest, then a mid/late 1971 Camillus-made version w/ small handle pins, then a 1972 version without handle pins. Camillus only used handle pins from in 1971 when they first received the Buck contract, and eliminated the pins by 1972 and they never returned. The bottom knife is dated to 1972 by a model number that appears on the pile side, later versions had the model number on the front. The only version I now lack is the very first version of the #301 made by Schrade in 1966 only which had lined bolsters, (becoming VERY expensive when found and not often available).

Like I said in earlier post, now that I have a basic set of all models of the CC-made 300 Series, I am now ever on the search for "versions". Before you say something, yes, the tippy end of the master blade is broken off, a bummer to be sure, but still a good example of the version, maybe I'll find a pristine one down the line.

Below, top to bottom:

'67-'early '71 by Schrade, no model number, (notice the more serpentine shape)

mid-late '71 by Camillus, no model number, "BUCK" on pile side

'72 by Camillus, model number pile side

And the blades: notice the difference between the spear blades on all three.

Just obtained this Buck #303 Cadet, second version by Schrade made between 1967-71. What I consider to be "good used" condition. Some scratches on the blades, but the blades are full and are tight in the bolsters, (unusual for a SC-made knife, that is why they lost the contract to Camillus in 1972). Not bad for a 45+ year old knife.

Here are two 1971 Camillus-made #301's I found today. These are one of the few 300 Series versions that can be dated so accurately prior to 1986, when Buck took back production from Camillus and began using date codes.

Differing from 1966-71 Schrade-made version by a slight variation of shape & the size of the brass handle pins, and also the grind on the top of the master blade, this version was made only during the latter part of 1971 during the transition from Schrade to Camillus. By 1972 the CC-made versions were all made without the handle pins, so these can accurately be dated to 1971, (which is appropriate in my case as that was the year I graduated from high school).

Rare, but not Holy Grail rare. Both are in "good used" condition, and were obtained at a gun show in Marietta, Ga for $40 out the door. Not the best deal I ever got, but ya gotta grab 'em when ya see 'em. One to keep, one to sell; how's that for justification?

Now that I am home from my grand journey across the country, (with a stop at Jan & Donnie's & SMKW too), my obsession with the Buck 300 Series by Camillus marches on. This is the Camillus-made #329 Freedom Trapper, (3 7/8" closed), another SFO, (Special Factory Order), for SMKW from the 90's; never sold by Buck, only available from SMKW in-store or online. Very limited production numbers on this one, which is in unused pristine condition. Apparently the earliest versions came in a decorated gift box, but all I manged to find was the knife, but considering it's rarity this will do.

I've got more surprises to come, I have another "Holy Grail" Buck winging it's way to me as we speak, but you'll just have to wait to see that one.


Just when you think you have completed a series in collecting you find more.  This one is a beauty and maybe the tin will show up at some point

Just the beginning Jan, just the beginning. Now that I have the complete "basic" set of Camillus-made 300 Series models, (those advertised & sold by Buck themselves between '72-'86), I'm trying to find at least one of each of the CC-made SFO's that were made at various times exclusively for SMKW. That quest will keep me busy for years to come I suspect. Even though as of today I now have four SFO's, (rare, yes), I haven't found any of the REALLY rare ones, those with jigged bone or stag handles, or any of the regular series with alternative handles which are also out there somewhere. That search might be infinite as there are so few of them in existence in the first place. Even though I now have both black & yellow sawcut Delrin on my Grand Daddy Barlow SFO's, (one still in the mail), they made a few in jigged bone, and even fewer in stag. I also haven't got any of the versions of the small Barlow, (yet), which seem to be rarer than the Grand Daddy. They also made a California Toothpick, and I have never even seen one of those for sale.

So, the search continues. Unfortunately, on the rare occasion when one of these come up for sale I feel I have to jump on it, no matter the timing for fear I'll never see another for sale again. Though it never happens at a convenient time financially, I have learned to survive on beans & ramen, both of which taste pretty good when I look at the collection I'm accumulating. Stay tuned for more!

Jan Carter said:


Just when you think you have completed a series in collecting you find more.  This one is a beauty and maybe the tin will show up at some point

Nice one Syd!

Also I am glad you were able to make a brief stop here in Athens.  I really enjoyed our meeting.

Thanks Charles, I'm glad I stopped too, wish I could have stayed longer. I have that little sharp finger strapped to the shifter in my car, fits perfectly there and reminds me of our dinner each time I get in the car. You inspired me with your knife rolls too, I already found a cheapie 12-knife roll to keep my 300 Series collection in, and I am looking for more. After seeing how all your knives were kept so neat and tidy in those rolls I realized I needed to do the same thing. Sure, I'll keep my display stump going, but having the rarer knives in a roll makes me feel a little more secure about them.

Hope all is well in Bama, I'm waiting for word from Boaz about a new grand daughter due literally any minute, so I not only have friends there, I have family there too. No wonder they call it "Sweet Home"....I get it now!

Charles Sample said:

Nice one Syd!

Also I am glad you were able to make a brief stop here in Athens.  I really enjoyed our meeting.

Syd, you make sure to let us know when that new grandbaby is here!

Of course I will Jan. We are all just waiting by the phone. Actual due date is the 29th, but females in my family have minds of their own, (boy do they ever!), so she could pop anytime now. BTW: her name will be Leilani.

Jan Carter said:

Syd, you make sure to let us know when that new grandbaby is here!


White River Knives

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