Hey Case fans,

We'd like to ask for your help in picking apart our website over the next few weeks. Let's start with our Knives section (www.wrcase.com/knives/. Get in, spend some time in it, drive it around. Is there anything (functionality, presentation, etc) you wish was there that isn't? Is anything there that you have no opinion of or you think doesn't do anything to enhance the online experience?

Tell us. We'd like to know!

Thanks for your input in advance. I can't guarantee we'll be able to implement any changes just the way you'd like to see them - as in all things - there are limitations to what we can do. But I can promise each and every suggestion will be looked at for its own viability. If we can do it and it makes sense to do it then we'll do it!

Who's in?



Tags: case, knives, online, website, wrcase

Views: 112

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks, Fred...
I really appreciate the help. Be sure and tell Lisa that she is loved, and tell her that I came through my surgery in pretty good shape.
LTA... Jim
You got it, JJ...

I'm willing to hear from anybody! Unclejim2(at)aol.com
I was interested in showing that inventory forn that Rod had of his knives. That would be so handy from an historical research point of view, and one that Katie Shonts may be able to utilize.

OH! PS... I just received a BEAUTIFUL knife from Mike Latham. It's a 2004 limited edition (1 of 3000000) with the Bomb shield and CHESTNUT scales. I'm sure that it is one that someone has rehandled, but it sure is pretty!
Mike is a valued friend... And OKIE!
Just sent the pages that I retrieved, from the web archives back in January, by e-mail.
Glad to hear it! And thank you...
Instead of FAMILY SET on the right
How about THUMBNAIL pics of the diff models in the family??
Hey Trent, this is a great suggestion! Thanks...I hope the thumbnails can be big enough in the space we have... -Fred
Fred, I just went to your site and found it easy to use. I collect Texas Toothpicks. Went to dealers in my area. This might be a stupid question but I couldn't find any prices. Am I missing something? Thanks, Brian
CASE doesn't sell to retail customers. You'll need to find a company that sells CASE and get prices there.

Thanks for the info. I wish the dealers around here carried some Texas Toothpicks. I guess I will continue buying off of the web. Thanks again. Brian
Hey Brian,

Call your local dealer and tell them exactly what you want. Authorized Dealers can get any product available direct from Bradford, even if they're part of a chain like Ace, True Value, etc...


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