Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

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Let us see pics when you get it!

I finally got  the toothpick. It is a 4" toothpick in the Burnt Orange jig bone. This is another GEC produced Cripple Creek.
Billy, thats a beautiful knife. Those orange scales really set it apart.

Very attractive Billy. 

I especially like the Match Striker nail pull, and that Orange Bone is beautiful.

The Toothpicks are one of my favorite patterns.

I'm with Dave I like that pull...Thanks for sharing Billy

Just ordered The #72 Red Wine, I can't wait.

I'm gonna have fun with this one, I really have loved the looks of this pattern, and soon I'll love the feel. I'll get pics after it's arrival, and maybe a review after some time in the pocket. 


No Rust here!!!!!!! :)


I tell you, I really like that one.  The Ruby Red is looking like a real nice bone also, I am waiting to see that one in person

lol.  Good for you Johnny!! 

I am happy to see that you ordered the Red Wine Jigged Bone in addition to the Elk. 

Now I won't feel so bad, because I have the Clip Blade coming in Red Wine, which should give me something to admire and work with until the American Elk version becomes available.

I think we're going to be pretty happy with these and it's going to be fun to compare notes on how they perform for us.

Let us know when yours arrives and I'll do the same.

Congratulations on getting the Red Wine as well as the Elk.

Thanks Dave, I will keep you guys in the know, for sure.

I'd like to get some different opinions on the same knife, just to compare notes.

I'm very blessed to have a family that supports my wants, and my needs, which in this case I "needed" an Elk Stag, and I "wanted" a Red Wine. So I'm getting the Elk Stag for my B-day now. :)


Jan, I feel like an idiot now, my eyes our only so good. I commented on how I thought the two knives GEC just released looked really different, but I thought they were both Red Wine, I'm an idiot. I liked the color, but for red wine.... no way. Thanks for clearing that up for me, I really try guys. 


GOD bless you both, I can't wait!!!!!!!!

Well, I was thinking all along they were both Red Wine Bone!

I did think there was a bit of a color difference in the two pictures of the Clip blade and the Wharncliffe, but I had it in my head they were both Red Wine Bone.  After reading your post above I looked again at the picture and sure enough, they changed the Wharncliffe from Red Wine Bone to Ruby Red Bone, just like that.

Gotta watch those folks every minute.


I'm still getting the Clip Blade, and it's going to be in "Red Wine Bone".

(I think......)


Go for the clip Dave, I want to see how you like yours too.:) Naahhh, I'm just partial to the clip, but you go with the one thats gonna fit your needs the best. I love the wharncliffe, but I love me the clip more.


Okay, so did it say Red Wine Bone?

I'm almost sure it did.


Jan, our we gonna see a third for the #72 Red Wine, or maybe a fourth with Donnie?



Hows he likin' that spear blade #72?


He's liking it but not feeling the need to use it yet, still carrying his wharncliff 72.  That is just a fav of his.  We are off buying until the show.  If you tell me which of his knives you want to see at the show Johnny, I'll make sure they are there

He's bringing his primitives. I am bringing my beavertails


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