Recently came across this and I hope its not true but I am afraid it is. We need your comments and your support.


Tags: bans, gun, ownership, restrictions, seizure

Views: 872

Replies to This Discussion

It is time we all stand up and say "I will help prevent this"  The gun owners groups will do all they can but the law makers need to know this is real for a large portion of our population or they will never feel the pressure to support gun owners 

I agree but with public sentiment heading in the wrong direction and the winds of media spreading it, the threat has never been more real to our rights.

Jan Carter said:

It is time we all stand up and say "I will help prevent this"  The gun owners groups will do all they can but the law makers need to know this is real for a large portion of our population or they will never feel the pressure to support gun owners 

I like that this link has a link to our elected officials.  Be sure to edit the response.  FIRST LINE SHOULD READ...you vote for this and we will no longer vote for you

That seems to be all they care about anyway


If you want to protect your gun God given rights then go to this web site and join.  Take our guns then take our knives.


We can no longer sit back and hope someone takes care of this issue.  Join...speak up

Sent a message in my name and submitted six email addresses.

Craig, Thanks we are trying to get the word out

There are some posts on FB for Causes but I am not sure that is effective. I mean who will read those? The most direct thing we can do is email our respective senators and ask for their help. I believe if  they hear from enough  constituents and I mean better than 50% we might make an impact. I am afraid too many people will simply sit and do  nothing.

Jan Carter said:

Craig, Thanks we are trying to get the word out

Well I did want to post my response from Roy Blunt, my Senator:

Dear Steve,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the rights of gun owners.

As you may know, I am a strong defender of our Second Amendment rights. The right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms is an individual right guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution and broadly interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. Our Founders clearly understood that one of the most basic rights of Americans is the ability to defend themselves and their families.

In light of the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, there have been calls for immediate action to address gun control. I do believe it is important that we have a serious national discussion about preventing these senseless acts of violence and protecting our children in their schools. Equally important, however, is an effort that more broadly addresses ways to spend federal dollars more wisely when it comes to treating and identifying those who are mentally ill as well as intervening before they tragically impact their own lives and the lives of others.

There are no easy answers here. I continue to believe that a weapons ban does not fix the issue. Whatever we do, it must be consistent with the Constitution.

I appreciate your thoughts and will continue to support legislation that safeguards our Second Amendment rights, encourages safe and responsible gun ownership, and keeps our homes and families safe.

Again, thank you for contacting me. I look forward to continuing our conversation on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/SenatorBlunt ) and Twitter ( www.twitter.com/RoyBlunt ) about the important issues facing Missouri and the country. I also encourage you to visit my website ( blunt.senate.gov ) to learn more about where I stand on the issues and sign-up for my e -newsletter .

Sincere regards,

Roy Blunt
United States Senator

Funny thing......that's the same exact letter/email everyone else is getting from their Senators! Except for the Missouri part.

I don't wory about congress as much as I wory about a threatened "Executive Order". Congress has allowed the Executive branch to abuse this power for the last 4 years, and I don't see them trying to limit it's abuse.

I'm with you JJ!!   We now have a king!


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