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Comment by Patrik Ilijev on May 13, 2012 at 12:33

This is indeed a nice and functional idea.

Comment by Clint Thompson on April 29, 2012 at 21:44

Here is my latest and greatest TOPS knife.  It is a CQT 711 Serrated but the box and invoice is marked CQT 747 Serrated.  Anyway this knife is one big strongly built folding lock bladed knife. This tactical folder comes with a battle-rattle ready case which will keep it secure until you need it for use.  This knife came very sharp so be careful if you get one of these bad boys.

Stats from TOPS web site:

Blade Length: 4 1/2"
O/A Length: 10"
Cutting Edge: 4 1/2"
Length Closed: 5 3/4"
Thickness: .140 stock 5/32"
Blade Steel: N690Co / Cobalt Vanadium Steel
Blade Hardness: RC 58-60
Blade Color: Military Grade Black Teflon
Handle Material: G-10
Liner Lock: 420-J2, RC 48-49
Spacers: 303 Stainless
Sheath: Ballistic Nylon-Molle Compatible
Design: Patent Pending

Weight is 9.5 oz

Comment by Billy Oneale on April 28, 2012 at 22:33

Nice knife, Stephen. That will be my first buy when money loosen's up a bit.

Comment by Jeremi Lett on April 28, 2012 at 20:31

They took my FrankenAxe idea and used a little bit of their up to date technology.As they say imitation can be a hidden form of flattery or something like that.I have charged about $60-70 for my raw creations,but would not pay more than that for this knock off idea of my FrankenAxe.I know I sound brash,just a little.I like the tanto style spike tho.Its a TOPs FrankenAxe haha!

Comment by stephen tungate on April 25, 2012 at 23:19

Comment by stephen tungate on April 25, 2012 at 23:15


Comment by Jeremi Lett on March 29, 2012 at 2:01

Hes gonna wrap it in paracord!Love this pic.

Comment by Steve Hanner on March 28, 2012 at 11:41

Recently reading an article on a field test of knives in the 6-7 inch range. 4 knives were reviewed. The TOPS Operation Badger was the knife reviewed. Did anyone have a chance to read this?

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 27, 2012 at 19:42

I talked to Mike the other day about writing an article about the CUMA Evolution. In that phone call he told me they have some new handles for the CUMA TAK-RI which will give it a better fit to the hand.  You can buy them direct from TOPS and place them on the knife.

Also, I told him when I received my Back Bite it was dull and suggested they sharpen the knife to a razors edge so it will work properly.  I forgot to say something about the Evolution being dull as well.

Next week I will received an electric knife sharpener to evaluate.  This sharpener can be adjusted to bevel of the knife edge.  I believe this will help many of us who have those knives with blades as hard as the hubs of Hell....what ever that mean. LOL!

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 14, 2012 at 20:55

For practical usage, the TOPS USMC Combat Knife is too large.  I like the knife to be around 4 to 5 inches long.  Remember the combat knife is a tool and not a weapon.  It could be used as a weapon, much like the intrenching tool, but it is a tool.  In my opinion 5" is max for a combat knife blade for me. 

The CUMA Evolution was designed by Johnny Tsai and does look like other knives TOPS makes.  If you ever want to step up to one of the best combat knives made...then the Pro-Tech Brend #1 Combat Knife is the one to have.  I believe you will agree if you ever get one in your hand.  I think Dave will be at the Shot Show...so look him up and say hi from me.  If you want one, message me and I will get you a real deal on one. Be safe.....

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 14, 2012 at 17:51

Last Wednesday I received a sample from TOPS of a CUMA Evolution.  The Evolution is a heavy duty knife and made with good quality parts.  I like the way it feels in my hand.  The balance goes toward the handle and could favor more to the center.  The first thing I did was sharpen the Evolution as it was dull as butter knife.

I will be evaluating this knife and taking my photo shots for the next couple of weeks.  Here are some preliminary pics.


Comment by Clint Thompson on December 16, 2011 at 9:24

Johnny Tsais designed this knife for one purpose….DCC (Direct Contact Combat).  DCC is the nice political way of saying;

When things are going to hell by the millisecond as they are coming over the wire, you know in the heart of your heart you are going to personally send some dirt-bags to see if there are truly 72 virgins.  As you are nose to nose and toes to toes rolling around on the ground using everything from your entrenching tool to your helmet to fight off this dirt-bag, you can smell his stinking breath and taste in your mouth the salty sprays of his sweat and blood. 


He is SCREAMING “Allāhu Akbar” (God is Great) into your ears as you scream some choice American verbs in his.  As you kick him off and jump to your feet, you reach down and pull out death and destruction in the form of a CUMA TAK-RI.  The Dirt-bag reaches up to grab you in an effort to pull you down as he attempts to regain the advantage.  You slash downward and remove the end two fingers on his left hand.  He involuntarily jerks his hand back for a split second and holds it to the center of his body.  As you follow through with your finger harvesting, you recoil with a backhand slash with this knife of death severing his carotid artery forcing on through his windpipe and outward bringing masses of blood and tissue.  The Dirt-bag is done and you move on to your next victim, all the while spitting out the taste of your last.


Yes the CUMA TAK-RI was designed and made for one thing….killing your fellow man one slash at a time.


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