J.J. Smith III left a comment for Doyle Fincher
"Welcome to iKC, Doyle. It's good to have you here with us."
Profile IconDoyle Fincher and Dennis Eldracher joined iKnife Collector
Jan Carter posted a status
"Check your iKC emails for update on visual issues on site. Thank you!!!!!"
Lars Ray replied to Lars Ray's discussion Ulu Knives in the group BOX FULL OF KNIVES
"Gerber Downwind Ulu Since I appear to be on a roll here, I thought I would share my Downwind Ulu from Gerber. According to Gerber, the Downwind Series is a nod to the aesthetics of the past, married…"
Dennis Eldracher left a comment for J.J. Smith III
"Thank you"
Kevin D left a comment for Lonnie Lowry
"Oh nice!  Quite selfishly, I would love it if you can add photos of them. That would also be helpful for people to provide an estimation of value."
Lonnie Lowry left a comment for Kevin D
"I've got a model 62 also in much better condition than the '90. I hunted with the '62 with my grandad on a ranch in the Arbuckle Mountains of south-central Oklahoma where he was a true…"
Kevin D left a comment for Lonnie Lowry
"he he he...  New Haven.  That would have to be Winchester.  Model 90.  Old pump rifle.  Bluing looks decent. I have its successor (the model 62).  Real nice little rifle."
J.J. Smith III left a comment for Dennis Eldracher
"Howdy, Dennis, and welcome to iKC. We're glad to have you here with us."
Jan Carter posted a status
"NING has cleared the cache on their end and ask we clear our own after noon Eastern time.All home pages should be working by then"