2024 my prespective.

2024 has been for my knife collecting not the best year yet!  But certainly not the slimest in collecting in the last 24 years.  I managed to increase by 20 my collection. I determined this by revisiting my page & looking back at my posted pictures from 2024. Like everyone else I would believe the prices I paid have increased drastically since Covid.I would welcome others opinion on any topic in this post.  Some of the ones I wanted to include in my collection were twice as expensive as they were when they were originally sold in the early 2000's.  Overall with Internet Taxes  and Shipping cost rising, I found myself looking at other brands beside the long time brand that drives the hobby.  Yes I looked at brands from CHINA.  I still managed to add some long sought knives name brands to the collection.  But looking ahead!  Who knows what 2025 will bring?  Higher prices from the Mfg? Higher prices on the Secondary market?  Honestly. excluding the quality of the steel.  Which to me is not a big issue, because  I never sharpen them or use the newer ones.   I carry older very used knives. The fit and finish on some brands needs to improve!   Will  they improve? How will the Hobby insure the quality improves? Can the Hobby stand even higher prices? As we close out this 2024 I look foreward to 2025 and I Wish everyone a VERY MERRY & BLESSED CHRISTMAS. 

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  • Mike Bryant

    Yes J.J I believe it was. All over the world as we know it things closed down some never reopened as a result of covid.  I bought a few 2020's to lay back Maybe in a few years they will be worth a little. After thinbgs started to open back up it appears to this Novice that the few Companies that were still in business raised their prices. Maybe to get the workers back into the factories or maybe to try to recoupe some $$ regardless to me the prices went crazy. I collect mostly the Big 65 patterns or Big knives. I got a lot of mine off the bay and the priices I see and have to bid to get them have almost doubled. Lucky for me I have most of the ones I want. 2023 was a tough year because Case put out so many of the 2 blade 65 pattens luck this year their wer a lot less of them. 

  • Mike Bryant

    Dennis Your a considerate Father. Myself I am not as considerate. I will let my children deal with my assortment when I go to the great knife show in Heaven. They say Heaven will be rejoycing and praising GOD. I am pretty sure their will be beautiful knives their and those I leave here !  Well my wife and children can dispose of them. My wife has told me she is going to rent a dump truck load all my junk in it and take it to the dump.  Maybe the kids will stop her!  If not well I will be in my eternal home. Happy New Year 2025 to all.

  • Mike Bryant

    Kevin. Well I played the over priced game in 2024, some I thought I needed to round out my collection or I wanted to go for First Production Runs .Yeah I paid too much for the Deer Trax & the Turkey Trax but I had been wanting and searching for them a couple of years.  I did go the China way more simply because I liked the pattern and the prices were cheaper than USA brands. Case xx Cutlery was my biggest disapointment the Buffalo Horn blade grind was so bad I returned it to case to be replaced.