Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Bryan Baltz

    Makes total sense to me. I mean the SFO's are certainly a cool collector aspect but that stuff has to be a logistics nightmare from a production standpoint and if it's watering down/ hindering the GEC brand itself by consuming material priorities then that's definitely a potential marketing issue in the long run.

  • Fred Kemp

    Here's my 23's so far. I was on the list at Frank's, but didn't make the cut.

  • Richard Schuchman

    Those look great! Are they the double bladed ones? I'd love to get one of the single bladed ones but just discovering now how you have to consult the GEC ouija board to find out what's being released before it's a gleam in a knife makers eye and then preorder sight unseen and price unknown.
  • Fred Kemp

    Yes, Richard, they are double bladed. You bring up some great points. It does seem to be difficult right now to get these great knives. I think limits of production is most of the cause for availability. (However, in pre-Covid times I have had trouble securing a particular GEC pattern just because they were so popular.) It is hard to preorder a knife under the conditions you mentioned, but most of us are familiar enough with the pattern and the past quality to not hesitate. I too am eager for the single, liner lock 23's to arrive, hopefully the scales on some will be of different materials.

  • Fred Kemp

    UPDATE! At approx. 5:30pm CST, Frank's sent me a purchase invoice for the GEC 235220 Exotic India Jigged Bone Trapper SFO, which I immediately paid for. (ALLLL RIGGHHHTTT!!!!!!!) Since my post 1 hour ago, I had given up on this knife.

  • Richard Schuchman

    Congrats! Well I signed up at Frank's and Knives Ship Free, so hopefully will get some notification. Both have double bladed varieties available and that beaver tail is looking really good to me.
    Does anyone have a photo of mesquite scales? If never heard of the wood for anything but grilling and hea tdd it can be quite striking.
  • Brian LeClair

    Hello 2 AllI considered myself lucky to start collecting knives a few years after Great Eastern got rolling. The history of pocket knives and all the great American manufactures of days past, holding one of your knives ya knew you where holding a quality knife. I had difficult time choosing a paticular pattern. But the whittler is a knife I like, the handle material ebony wood & Ivory cherished. I've stopped collecting it's been years since I've bought a knife but here are a couple that I think are fine examples of Great Eastern's work. Thanks to the men and women responsible for producing two knives that to me are a art form to create.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    The CKs SFO #23LL Mesquite wood pre-orders sold out in 10 minutes.  You can buy one from an Evil-bay flipper for $200 to $300 if you like being a sucker.  Why do that when you can  buy 2 to almost 3 knives for the same money.  The GEC#23LL single blade liner locks in Beaver gnawed jigged cherry-wood , Antique Autumn natural bone , and the #23LL red-tail (sierra red-brown)jigged bone Bullet Trapper are so superb. Don't get hooked on what you can't have.  I  am on GEC FaceBook about ten  times a day listing available knives and what dealers have them in stock..  I can help you find new released GEC knives.  GEC releases a first batch and it is crazy to obtain a knife. 2nd batch and sometimes a third batch is released.  Things do slow down a bit.  Single blades always sell out faster than multiple blades.   "GEC knife collecting is war !"  I do try to buy from dealers that support iKC.  

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    Mr Frank is sending me the darkest , thickest ,most Winterbottom looking #23 in the bunch .  My knife is half way to me now.  I also bought a #23 two blade natural bone and it will be sent to Darren Orrell.  Darren will remove the main blade and easy up that bear trap snap.  I have one arm.  I hold my #23s with my feet and open them up left handed with a CASE XX blade pick.  Go buy yourself a CASE XX blade pick for the #23 knives.  They are nail breakers.  Most dealers hate to cherry pick knives for me.  It is not about looks , thicker scales work better for one arm me. 

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I have two #23s in my possession .  I have three more #23s in the mail to me now.  I have an Allegheny Mountain Club Knife, that should be shipped next week. I have all four #23LLs on pre-order.  Maybe I will receive the two SFO #23LL liner -locks.  I believe those will be the last SFO knives produced for dealers.  

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I hate KnivesShipFree .  I begged them to help me obtain the Northwoods #86, #92 and #93 knives. I just wanted one of each.  KnivesShipsFree holds back some of their SFO knives and they will release those at higher prices with newer models.      They could of been cool and help me obtain one. How can a buyer obtain four Northwoods knives in 30 seconds and I get blocked out every time. Answer : " Pirate Buying Software"   I have one arm "left hand" and an old head injury , I am too slow.  KnivesShipFree is a bunch of heartless , selfish , skunks.  KnivesShipsFree sold over a 1000 Northwoods GEC made last year.  And they could not sell one me one #86 frame Northwoods , #92 frame Northwood and one #93 Northwoods. They take advantage of the GEC SFO production.   Dealers should only sell a 100 SFO knives a year , because SFO knife production is killing the smaller GEC dealers. The big GEC dealers could care less about you , because the demand will replace you. The Smaller GEC dealers are so nice and iKC supporter dealers are wonderful.  I will never buy a Northwoods knife. I won't except a free one neither.  Northwoods will be making their own knives in the future .  I will be supporting GEC and the GEC dealers that I like. All the GEC dealers took a  big hit this year ,because of the woohan virus.  GEC is fighting for their lives and we need to support them fully.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    Hey Fred Kemp ,That Northfield #23 Pioneer Trapper Antique Autumn Natural bone knife is "SICK" !  I hope I get a thick dark one.   That phat spear blade makes a great chore knife.  Take that yellow polishing cloth "FRANKS" and wrap it around one blade.  Watch TV, work that blade back and forth a 1000 times.  Repeat if you have to at another time.   The more you use the big #23 knife , the more you will enjoy it.  

  • Richard Schuchman

    Any of the LLs will be fine for me, I was curious what the mesquite looked like. I know the blue camel is amazing! I've never seen as 23 in that before. I had a white bone one, but it was a bear trap. I'm leaning towards the autumn bone or brazilian cherry (I love that zig zag jig pattern).
    And no, no bay for me. It should be a crime to flip knives like that. It's the only reason I haven't gotten another yet. Frank had the cherry 2 blade for 108 I believe.
  • Richard Schuchman

    Oh yeah I had the Fire and Ice one too. Double bladed bear trap. Beautiful to look at, but not worth losing a finger to.
  • Fred Kemp

    Thanks Kenneth. I look forward to seeing some pics of the 23's you'll be getting soon!

  • Fred Kemp

    Here's the Frank's #23 that came in the mail today.

  • Richard Schuchman

    What's the leaf engraved one?
  • Fred Kemp

    Richard, sadly I don't know the complete history about this cool knife. I believe it was released pre-2008. I first saw it on a knife website several years ago and tried to find out some info, but couldn't find any. So, I began to periodically search for the knife on different knife sales sites. Finally about eight years ago, best I can remember, I came across  one on ebay and immediately bought it.

    If anybody else knows anything about this knife and owns one, how about some info and some pics?

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    New Microsoft Edge has goofed up my computer.  "No More Kenny Pictures !"   My #23 Antique Autumn Natural Bone & my #23 Franks knife came in early this week.  My #23 red-tail jigged Bullet knife and "Sharpest Knife in the Drawer" XXL t-shirt comes in tomorrow.  

  • Richard Schuchman
    Got mine today. The pull is bad, but hoping it'll ease up over time
  • Jan Carter

    Fred, I do have some archive info on that 23 I think but it will get to me a lot easier if you can give me the numbers on it.  That's what I have it all filed under

  • Jan Carter

    Kenneth. What's up, I dont want you blocked from adding pics!

  • Richard Schuchman
    I decided to get a sheath for my 23 and treat it like a fixed blade. It'll save my thumb nail that way.
  • Fred Kemp

    Thanks Jan! The only numbers on the knife are '1 of 250' on the secondary blade, which is also stamped '2006'. This blade is also stamped, on the other side, with 'GREAT EASTERN CUTLERY' with 'TITUSVILLE' underneath.

    The main blade has the above lettering on one side with 'CYCLOPS STEEL WORKS' on the other side.

  • Fred Kemp

    Richard, that Liner Lock looks great! The sheath idea is a good one.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I just received my Kifer Cutlery invoice for the SFO Blue Camel bone GEC#23LL knife.   I think these knives should be released on 7/17/2020.   It is good to support a iKC -- GEC dealer.   


    Thank you for always going the extra mile and supporting iKC sponsors!

  • Jan Carter


    Although that knife reads 1 of 250 in reality in 2006 the smooth white laser GEC knife production total was 81.  It was also the first laser handle done by GEC..  That much I am sure of, what comes to mind but I cannot find verification of it is that this was the first GEC 23 made with no shield.

    In 2006 GEC branded knives were made with 440C stainless steel blades, given the trademark acorn shield and Cyclops Steel Works tang stamp.

  • Fred Kemp


    That's some great info! It's weird to me that it's not listed in the book,"Great Eastern Cutlery- An American Tradition".

    Also strange is that on the bolster, which I forgot to mention and is visible on the pic I submitted, is the number 176. Which means there must have been more then 81 produced?

  • jeff

    Fred.... I have found that there were quite a few styles that are not mentioned in the book. I have a few short runs not mentioned. 

  • Fred Kemp

    Jeff, I didn't know that. Not sure what the process was for that, I would think the serialized knives would always be listed, on the website at least. Although it's kind off fun researching a GEC knife, it would be nice to see some referencing from the maker. In the case for this knife, #23 oak leaf, researching has been tough!

  • Fred Kemp

    Just scored a #23 Woodland Micarta Liner lock at DLT Trading! They have 7 left.

  • Jan Carter

    Under production totals on the GEC website, let me see if I can add it from my phone

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    In the early years the 250 would usually mean they made 250 but not all with the same handle material

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    More Blue Camel Bone Kifer SFO GEC#23LL Knife photos are on the Great Eastern Cutlery web-sight.  The Kifer shield really looks awesome on the un-buffed blue knives.  I hope mine is a stone washed blue .  

  • Fred Kemp

    Thanks Jan for the info. I finally emailed GEC, which is what I should have done in the first place. They answered back! I sent them some photos they requested, so we may have some further info soon.

  • Jan Carter


    If they say something other than what is on the website I would be surprised but you never know.  They are good with communicating

  • Jan Carter


    I cant wait to see that Blue with the Kifer shield!!!

  • Fred Kemp

    Thanks to these two GEC knife experts, Jan Carter and Joan Mae Howard from Great Eastern Cutlery, we now have some further info about the #23 oak leaf knife posted about a few days ago:

    -- In 2006 GEC did 81 knives with a Smooth White Laser Handle. Back then the serial number would run straight through the pattern. In other words, mine is the 176th #23 to come through.

    -- It was not an SFO knife.

    --The oak pattern on the handle was done with a laser, and it was the first laser handled knife GEC produced.

  • Jan Carter


    Thanks, it is good to know the little bit on the site could jog up a few correct facts from an old memory!  It is a great knife by the way

  • Fred Kemp

    Here's a pic of the Kifer Cutlery SFO. Wish I could have snagged one!

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I received my 2020 AMKCA club #23  with black bear shield knife today.  (#05 of #35 )

  • Jan Carter


    Those are just gorgeous.  I see that being a high dollar from the flippers on the after market side

  • Jan Carter

    Cant wait to see it Kenneth

  • Fred Kemp

    Jan...Absolutely, those are tinted perfectly! I'd like to see more of the blue bone on other patterns, as long as the coloring doesn't become too dark.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I have one arm left hand with a soft thumb nail.  I open my gator snap knives with my feet and a CASE XX blade pick.    New knives have to be loosened up or the stay tight forever.  I put an old t-shirt in my lap.  I wrap an old polishing cloth around the blade.   Work the blade back and forth.  Lube the knife after you are finished.  I own a large GEC Sheath.  I am going for twelve GEC#23/23LL knives on this run.  I sent my #23 Northfield Antique Autumn Natural two blade to Darren O. in California. Darren will remove the main blade and the beefy spey blade will remain.  

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I own two GEC blue camel bone knifes.   A GEC#93 and a GEC#62 , both a stone-washed blue.   I am a dark blue fan.   I own CASE XX Blue giraffe bone knives too.  I was so happy to contact Kifer Cutlery in minutes after the GEC #23LL posting.  I spotted a factory production line photo of the Mesquite #23LL on another Knife forum.   

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    I have a real problem.  I just bought my second GEC#23LL Beaver gnawed jigged cherry wood knife.  I also bought two bottles of honing oil , so my shipping was free. I should end up with thirteen GEC#23/23LL knives.  I have blade sickness , awful ! 

  • Clint Thompson

    Kenneth I know what you mean. It is an addition.

  • In Memoriam

    Kenneth W. Hill

    The CKs SFO GEC#23LL mesquite wood knife were released today.  GEC had plenty of production photos.   That mesquite-wood looks just like burl !