Vintage American Knives

Knives of days gone-by and the companies who made them

How about your favorite piece of knife history

Posted by Scott King on April 30, 2009

Being the history buffs we are, do you have a piece of history that is priceless to you?

If so, upload it here so we can see it and tell us about it.

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    Andy Larrison

    Some great history here folks!  Hows about some updated items on here?  I've not got much in the lines of these items, but would love to know how/what/where to look for these things.

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    Jan Carter


    These types of "leftover" history as I call them, are a true passion for me!  I have found many of mine on ebay but you have to put in some broad or rather weird parameters.  Try typing in just wr case in ebay.  weed through the stuff that doesnt even fit the catagory LOL.  suddenly you start finding things like old prints, dealer signs, OLD bandaid tins

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