Fixed Blade Club

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Knife sheaths ...That work!

I have always had a love for fixed blade knives and enjoy carrying them while hunting , fishing and camping. Everywhere I go, I see less and less people carrying fixed blades. I decided to start asking people why they carried a folder instead of a fixed blade. The answer was almost always the same, "They get in my way". I started trying to look at fixed fixed blades from this stand point. I soon realized that it wasn't the knife but the sheath that caused it to get in the way. Most knife makers and knife companies make sheaths with the snap holding style or the fold over pouch style. Both of which hang very low on the hip, causing it to get in the way. Ahh...Here enters the stitch around style sheath, because of its design it rides much higher and less likely to get in the way. I think that if more people would try the stitch around sheath for their fixed blades, they would use and enjoy them more. I have three fixed blades that I use most of the time and have had to have new stitch around sheaths made for them. I think you should consider this style sheath for your fixed blade. Knife makers, if you want to sell more knives make it easier for your customer to use them. Just the thougths of an old CAJUN.
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    Shlomo ben Maved

    A few others:

    Pancake angled carry by Texan J.W. Smith & Sons Custom Knives & Leatherwork,





















    Shown Worn, crossdraw

    Retention of fitted pouch sheath


















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    In Memoriam

    Robert Burris





    I thought I would show y'all a picture of my shoulder rig for my large knife. I find it easier to carry a large blade and simple to take on an off. I have read that the frontiersmen of the 1800's wore shoulder rigs for their large knives and Bowies. I also like it as a cross draw set up, it leaves my right side free for a shoulder bag and smaller fixed blade.

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    Clint Thompson

    Hey Kage...

    Thanks for the info on hedge hog leather works.  I will contact them to see if they would like their work featured in a magazine article.


    kage said:

    Depending on the blade length, sometimes a horizontal carry might snug up the knife out of the way. Although I've stitched some sheaths for myself in the past, I prefer to let those with better skills do it for me. A pricey, but top quality place one might want to look into would be Hedgehog Leatherworks @